African Masters in Machine Intelligence Scholarship 2024( Completely Funded) - SCHOLARSHIP

African Masters in Machine Intelligence Scholarship 2024( Completely Funded)


The African Institute for Mathematical lores( points) is please to advertise the immolation of education in the African Masters of Machine Intelligence Program 2024 targeted at youthful African graduates wishing to make a career in information technology. 


 The African Masters of Machine Intelligence( AMMI) is part of the African Institute for Mathematical lores( points) ecosystem of advancement of the Machine Learning in the service of global society. 



 Education guarantor( s): points, Facebook and Goggle 

 Education Type: Completely Funded Education 

 Host Institution( s): AIMS 

 Education Worth: Full Backing 

 Number of Awards: Several 

 Study Level: Young Graduates 

 Nation: Africans 


 Introductory Conditions| African Masters of Machine Intelligence Scholarship 

 A bachelorette’s degree in mathematics, computer wisdom, computer engineering, electrical engineering or a honored fellow from an accredited institution; 

 A satisfactory educational normal, generally a minimal normal of B( or 80) or better is needed; 

 Interest and/ or background in artificial intelligence, machine literacyetc. demonstrated in courses taken and systems accepted; 

 concurrence to tutor an undergraduate pupil at your former institution while enrolled at AMMI; concurrence to tutor an AMMI pupil after scale; 

 Strong interest in working public or international problems using wisdom and technology. 

 For more detailed information on acceptance documents, please communicate the AMMI Admissions Office 

 Note Your Original degrees, warrants, academic instruments and reiterations should be in your possession upon appearance on Lot. 

 Operation Procedures 

 How to Apply All scholars admitted for the AMMI program are automatically granted a full education. Interested and eligible campaigners can do to apply for admission at the online operation portal to be considered for the education and give all the required information. 


 Operation Deadline October 31, 2023 

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