Top 7 fastest ninja in Naruto - SCHOLARSHIP

Top 7 fastest ninja in Naruto


Top 7 fastest ninja in Naruto 

Today's blog is going to be talking about the fastest ninja in naruto so let's begin.

There are many naruto characters that are incredibly fast,so it would be hard to determine the fastest. We are going to look at the 7  major fastest which are; minato,naruto,sasuke,Shisui,4th raikage A , Tobirama and might guy.

7. Sasuke 


After Sasuke training u dear orochimaru's supervision, there were a lot of changes in  him especially his speed.
being the rival of naruto, he must atleast be at the same level with naruto which he was able to accomplish.sasuke speed comes in when he engages in kenjutsu ,just like when je fought momoshiki with naruto by he side. Sasuke was able to equal his speed with naruto bijuu speed. 

6. Tobirama


He is the second Hokage . He developed many jutsus including the teleportation tag which made him teleport at a fast speed to any location of his desire.

5. 4th raikage A 


 He is well known for his superhuman strength and his lightning speed. he was able to dodge sasuke’s Amaterasu which is impossible to others because you can't see the Amaterasu coming. his ability to dodge the Amaterasu makes it possible to dodge incoming Justus except genjutsu.

4. Naruto 


Naruto speed is really not supprising why? His the son of the yellow flash (Minato) . Naruto was able to use yellow flash speed during the 4th great ninja war which he was later praised by the current raikage then. 
Also Naruto still has bijuu speed . His able to use this when he is in bijuu mode.

3. Shisui


Shisui is a leaf ninja who belongs to the uchiha clan.shisui speed has to do with his super body flick which is very awesome, he was able to dodge an ambush attack from the foundation which was organized by Danzo.shisui is able to dodge incoming ninjutsu by just body flick which makes it difficult for opponents to hit him. With this incredible ability , it gave him the name which people called him in his days "Shisui the teleporter".

2. Minato


He is known as the yellow flash because of his space time ninjutsu was so fast that the entire shinobi nation knew him. The name “the yellow flash” was given to him because his hair was yellow  and his recommendable speed . He is able to teleport to any place or dimension within half a second. He  created his own kunai and sealed his teleportation jutsu in it,with that he can teleport anywhere  his kunai’s are. 

1. Might guy (8 inner gates)

Might guy

He  was able to beat the hell out of sage Madara during  the 4th ninja war. His speed was so awesome that before Madara could move a muscles,might guy has already attacked.
With the speed of the 8 inner gates, he became a beast and broke Madara ribs as well as made Madara bleed intensively.

Write comments
  1. I don’t like it for one reason Replace guy with minato

  2. I don’t like it for one reason Replace guy with minato


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