Sasuke sharingan abilities - SCHOLARSHIP

Sasuke sharingan abilities


Today's blog post we're going to be viewing on sasuke and his sharingan abilities in particular. So first of all let's see what a sharingan is.

 What is a sharingan ?

A sharingan is a dojustu which is red it colour that has 1-3 tomoe which gives the user outstanding abilities in Battke such as genjutsu ( the ability to create illusions ) , sight of fast moving objects and bodies , ability to see an original item or body in place with its duplicates.
The sharingan originated from the otsutsuki clan and it was first possessed by the sage of six path ( Hagoromo).

How sasuke activated his sharingan

In order to activate the sharingan, you must be in a state of life and death with the will to protect a love one. Again, to activate it , you can also undergo intense training or be in a state of rage.
Sasuke activated his sharingan  when he withnessed the death of his clan and faced itachi but the moment he activated it he went unconscious and since then he couldn't activate it. During a mission with Naruto by his side he faced Haku and due to circumstance they were both in state of life of death. With the will to protect Naruto and  defeat Haku , he activated his sharingan.
The sharingan comes in stage after it has been awaken. It first starts with 1 tomoe , 2 tomoe and with experience not graduates to 3 tomoe ( A complete sharingan) . Knowing how sasuke activated his sharingan, let see how he awaken his mangekyou sharingan but first lets know what a mangekyou sharingan is.

Mangekyou sharingan

The mangekyou sharingan is a Kekki genkai. It can been seen as a higher version of a complete can only been awanken when the user has a complete sharingan and kills someone so dear or withness the death of the person. This eye comes with different visual powers .

How sasuke awakened his mangekyou sharingan 

To awaken the mangekyou sharingan, you must kill someone so dear to you or withness a death of a love one.
For sasuke he killed his brother itachi and witness him die and that made him to activate it.

Sasuke mangekyou sharingan abilities 

Sasuke's mangekyou sharingan has different abilities such as;

1. Amaterasu 

Also known as the black flames which burns anything it comes in contact with.

2. Kagutsuchi 

This is designed to use susanoo sword to slice through objects .

3. Susanoo 

This is a humanoid body made by the level of user chakra which is able to defend and attack. 

 Sasuke Enternal Mangekyou Sharingan (EMS)

 EMS is the higher version of  the Mangekyou sharingan, to awaken it , you must combine the Mangekyou sharingan of your own bloodline with yours.
Sasuke implanted itachi's eyes in his own which made him awaken the enternal mangekyou sharingan 

Sasuke EMS abilities 

1. Perfect susanoo

With the aid of the EMS Sasuke was able to perfect his Susanoo to the max.

Sasuke six tomoe reningan

During the 4th great ninja war , Hagoromo gave sasuke half of his chakra thereby making sasuke to Awaken reningan.
To awaken the reningan , one must have both Indra and ashura chakra and since sasuke is a reincarnation of Indra he has his chakra  and since Hagoromo is the father of both Indra and ashura, he has both chakra .and that's how sasuke awakened the reningan but there's a difference in his reningan , he got a six tomoe reningan which is very close to 8 tomoe reningan which is the reningan sharingan.

Sasuke six tomoe reningan  abilities 

1. Abilities of a normal reningan 
2. Abilities to Swiss position . 

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