Showing posts with label Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women. Show all posts

British Council literacy for Women in STEM IN 2024


The British Council is the UK’s transnational organisation for artistic relations and educational openings. They make connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through trade and culture, education and the English language. 


 The British Council has established programmes to support Women and Girls in STEM around the world, designed with a lifecycle approach in mind, from inspiring youthful girls to stay in STEM to supporting women working in STEM fields to reach positions of leadership and network with their peers in their region and the UK. 


This time, supported by the British Council, the University of Strathclyde is pleased to advertise five completely funded literacy for womanish scholars from Southeast Asia interested in pursuing master’s studies in the fields of Health and Life Science; Climate Change, Environment & Risk Reduction; Energy Transition; Assiduity 4.0/ Digital Transformation and Disaster-flexible structure. The five literacy are on offer for womanish scholars from the following countries Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 


Each of these literacy covers full education freights, yearly hires, a return frugality class ticket and other costs similar to IELTS test figure, visa operation, NHS cargo and crucial study accoutrements . 



 The following programmes are eligible for this literacy:



 To be eligible for the British Council above for Women in STEM, you must 


Be a woman 

 Be a passport holder and endless occupant of one of the eligible countries – Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam 

 Have submitted an operation to study on one of the eligible University of Strathclyde postgraduate programmes, as listed over, before your operation for the British Council Scholarship for Women in STEM can be considered. 

 Have completed all factors of an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry onto a postgraduate programme at the University of Strathclyde by the time you submit your operation and be due to start your postgraduate programme in the UK during 2023. 

 Demonstrate a case for fiscal support need via a means- test conducted by the University of Strathclyde. 

 Haven't preliminarily studied at degree position or advanced in the UK or lived lately in the UK. 

 You mustn't be in damage of fiscal support or backing towards your study programme in the UK from any other source. 

 Meet the English language demand of the University of Strathclyde 

 Indicate their preference for course and institution in the case of applying to multiple institutions. 

 Be motivated and academically suitable to follow and profit from a UK postgraduate tutored course. 

 You're needed to show in your operation that you're active in the field with work experience or with a proven interest in the programme area you're applying for. 

 You're willing to demonstrate unborn donation to capacity- structure and asocio-profitable advancement through the benefits achieved after graduating from UK advanced education and returning your home country. 

Note scholars in damage of British Council literacy for Women in STEM won't be eligible to apply to remain in the UK under the Graduate Immigration Route( GIR) visa scheme upon completion of their Master’s degree. 

 You must demonstrate in your operation a plan and passion to engage other women and girls in STEM from your home country. 

 You agree that your particular data is to be used with the British Council as a condition of applying for the bursary. 

Still, you agree to maintain contact with the British Council conditions as a minister for the UK and engage with conditioning as part of a British Council literacy for Women in STEM alumnus during and after your study in the UK, If you're awarded a education. Any involvement in these conditioning during your study in the UK will take up no further than five hours per term. 

 You're NOT eligible for a British Council Scholarship if you 


Hold binary British citizenship. 

Have preliminarily studied in the UK with backing from a UK Government- funded education or a UK institutional education/ fiscal bursary. 

 Are an hand, a former hand, or relative( *) of a hand of Her Majesty’s Government( including British Delegacies High Commissions; the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Department for International Trade; the Ministry of Defence; and the Home Office). 

 Are an hand, a former hand, or relative( *) of a hand of the British Council literacy for Women in STEM–eligible countries. 

 *) Cousins are defined as parents or step- parents, siblings or step-parents, children or step- children, partner, civil mate or unattached mate( where the couple have been in a relationship akin to marriage or civil cooperation for at least two times). 


 Subject eligibility 

Civil & environmental engineering, Economics, Electronic & electrical engineering, Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Naval armature ocean & marine engineering, Psychology, Management, Data analytics, Environmental engineering, Health, Mechanical engineering, Naval armature, Ocean engineering, Renewable energy, Software engineering 


 Situations eligibility 

 Postgraduate tutored 


 Study modes eligibility 

 Full Time 


 figure Status 



 Pupil type 


JOB: Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship for Professional Women Journalist


Operations are invited from suitably good women professionals in journalism who wish to edge their chops as well as perform precious exploration and coursework at MIT’s Center for International Studies and Journalism externships for the Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship. 

The Neuffer Fellowship is designed for women, nonbinary or gendernon-conforming intelligencers with at least three times of professional experience in journalism working in print, broadcast, or digital media, either as a staff intelligencer or as a freelancer. 


Company/ Organisation (s): International Women’s Media Foundation 

Program Type: Graduate Fellowship 

Program Location:  MIT’s Center for International Studies 

Program Duration: 6 Months 

Available Niche: Several 

Basic Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree 


Nation: All Ethnicities 

Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship 2022/23| DETAILS 


The Fellowship provides academic and professional openings to advance the reporting chops of women and nonbinary intelligencers who concentrate on mortal rights and social justice. The Fellowship was created in memory of The Boston Globe pressman and IWMF Courage in Journalism Award (1998) winner Elizabeth Neuffer. In collaboration with Neuffer’s family and musketeers, the IWMF started the program to recognize Neuffer’s heritage while advancing her work in the fields of mortal rights and justice. 

Eligibility Criteria 


To be eligible for the Journalism Fellowship, aspirants must meet the ensuing conditions 

Aspirants must be women, nonbinary or gendernon-conforming intelligencers. 

Retain at least three times of professional experience in journalism working in print, broadcast, or digital media. 

Aspirants must be complete in written and verbal English. 

Demonstrate excellent academic and exploration capacities. 

Operation Procedures 

How-to- Apply: Interested aspirants for the Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship 2022/23 are to complete their operation on or before the operation deadline as late operation won't be considered. 

 Operation Deadline: April 15 2022 at 1159 pm ET. 


 Click then to Apply