SCHOLARSHIP: scholarship in Netherland
Showing posts with label scholarship in Netherland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scholarship in Netherland. Show all posts

Graduate Scholarship Program for Foreign Scholars to Study in Thailand ( Completely Funded)

Operations from suitably good foreign scholars are invited for the Graduate Scholarship Program at Thammasat University, Thailand for the 2024/25 academic session. 

Literacy is available for master’s and doctoral studies.


The literacy is for aspirants wishing to enroll in an eligible engineering study program of the Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand.

Interested aspirants are encouraged to take advantage of the occasion. 


Education Guarantor (s): Sirindhorn Technology Scholarship Fund 

Education Type:  Completely Funded 

Host Institution (s): Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University.

Scholarship Worth: See Scholarship benefits ( below) 


 Number of Awards: 40 

Study Position: Postgraduate ( Masters and PhD) 


Nationality: International scholars 

Graduate Scholarship Program at Thammasat University| ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 


To be considered for the Graduate Scholarship Program, interested aspirants must meet the ensuing conditions.

It mustn't be a Thai nation. 

Excellent academic record ( rather ranked within the top 20 percent of the class). 

Meet qualification of SIIT graduate program admissions. 

Two strong recommendation letters (at least one recommendation letter must come from an academic educator/ counsel). 

Have good health and good conduct. 

Mustn't be a philanthropist of another type of education. 

Education Benefits 

Full SIIT education and educational support freight ( full thesis support). 

Living allowance of Baton per month. 

Round trip frugality trip charges. 

Eclectic charges are similar to visa freights, field levies, etc. ( factual charges, but not over Baton). 

Health and accident insurance during the period of education in Thailand. 


Operation Procedures 

How to Apply: Interested aspirants for the Graduate Scholarship Program at Thammasat University are to apply online by the operation deadline. Aspirants are to attach the following documents 


A statement of purpose 

A Class Vitae (CV) or capsule 

A sanctioned paraphrase or current paraphrase. 

Bachelor’s degree paraphrase with at least 2.75

GPA (for master’s degree operation). 

Bachelor’s degree paraphrase and master’s degree paraphrase with a GPA of 3.50 

Certificate of English proficiency test. 

Citizen’s ID card or passport 

Exploration paper, publication, or instruments (if any). 

Recent snap (1 x1.5 elevation size as jpeg. Only) 

Operation Deadline: 15th May 2024 


Click then to Apply 

Hanze University of Applied Lores in the Netherlands

There are several literacies available to scholars at the Hanze University of Applied Lores, Groningen (Hanze UAS). Certain literacy is funded (or funded) by Hanze UAS and others by the Dutch government. 

By furnishing fiscal support to incoming transnational scholars, Hanze UAS and its mates strive to give people all over the world access to advanced education. 

The Hanze Scholarship programme offers literacy to bachelorette scholars of Minerva Art Academy from outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The education is a donation towards to costs of living in the Netherlands and is, in principle, awarded for four times, the nominal duration of the bachelorette programme. 



Your nation is non-EEA. 

 You're admitted to one of the bachelorette programmes of Minerva Art Academy, starting September 2024. Design 

 Fine Art 

The education is awarded grounded on provocation and fiscal need. 

 Application/ Operation procedure 


 If you wish to be eligible for the education you first have to be admitted to one of the programmes mentioned above. For information on how to get enrolled please see Operation and Admissions. 

Once admitted, you'll be invited to apply for the Hanze Minerva Scholarship and you'll receive a dispatch from our Admissions Office with operation instructions. 


 The Hanze Minerva Scholarship is only awarded from the first time of the programme and, in principle, for the nominal duration of the programme four times. 

You'll be asked to write a provocation letter, including a budget in which you outline the planned finance of the study. 

 Further practical information concerning the acceptance of the education, procedure and payment will be transferred to you by e-mail after selection. 

 The deadline for the operation of the education is 1 June 2024. 

 Quantum and payment 

 The quantum of the Hanze Minerva Scholarship amounts to per academic time. 

 The education consists of one payment per academic time which named scholars will admit in November 2024. 

 The Hanze Minerva Scholarship is a donation towards to costs of living and can not be used to reduce the education figure. 

Please note that this education is only a small part of what's demanded to be suitable to study at Hanze UAS. See our runners on costs of living and immigration procedures for further information 


 Click then to Apply 

Utrecht University Ph.D Position in Human- Computer Interaction in the Netherlands

 HOURS PER WEEK 30 to 40 Faculty of Science Department of Information and Computing lores APPLICATION DEADLINE to 11th July 2022 

While multiplayer games are popular and frequently salutary(e.g., helping players stay connected with musketeers and family, and supporting social good issues), they also constantly involve negative and dangerous behaviours of players, including vituperative dispatches(e.g., importunity, verbal abuse, and flaming), frequently epitomized as “ poisonous ” behaviours. Despite general agreement about the troubles and problems of poisonous geste 

 , it has not been answered and rather has come more problematic and wide. 


 In this PhD design, you contribute to combating poisonous behaviours and importunity in multiplayer games and online surroundings through development of tools, systems, algorithms, and AI approaches. This involves a variety of possible directions, potentially allowing for taking into consideration your preference and background. 

 In this position, you will 

 conduct a literature check to understand the current state of exploration about social relations and toxin in games; 

 help more understand where, why, and how toxin occurs; 

 examine the requirements and implicit benefactions of game communities, gaming personalities, and game inventors for combating toxin; 

 design and apply tools and algorithms to combat toxin and its goods,e.g., to prognosticate toxin with AI styles, fantasize goods to perpetrators, and support targets of toxin; 

 experimentally validate the goods of the interventions; 

 circulate findings from exploration in academic publications and other venues. 

 In addition to exploration, you're involved in tutoring conditioning within the department of Information and Computing lores. tutoring conditioning include supporting elderly tutoring staff, conducting tutorials, and supervising pupil systems and theses. 



 You have a strong interest in online surroundings and multiplayer games and in combating toxin and importunity. Next to that we'd like you to bring the following 

 a Master’s degree in Human- Computer Interaction or a affiliated field(e.g., computer wisdom, Games and Media Technology, information wisdom, artificial intelligence, commerce design,( applied) psychology); 

 a strong background in the design and perpetration of interactive systems; 

 excellent English communication chops( written and spoken); 

 Former experience with game development tools(e.g., Unity), machine literacy fabrics(e.g., scikit learn), and conducting stoner studies and trials is a plus. 



 What we offer 

 a position for 5 times; 

 a full- time gross payment that starts at €3,541 and increases to €2,247 per month( scale P of the Collaborative Labour Agreement Dutch Universities( CAO)); 

 vacation perk and 8.3 end- of- time perk; 

a pension scheme, incompletely paid maternal leave, and flexible employment conditions external linkbased on the Collaborative Labour Agreement Dutch Universities. 

 In addition to the employment conditions laid down in the CAO for Dutch Universities, Utrecht University has a number of its own arrangements. For illustration, there are agreements on professional development, leave arrangements and sports. We also give you the occasion to expand your terms of employment via the Employment Conditions Selection Model. This is how we like to encourage you to continue to grow. 


 For further information, please visit working at the Faculty of Science external link. 

 About the organisation 


You'll join the Multimedia external linkgroup at the Department of Information and Computing lores external link. You'll be working nearly with other members in this exploration group, other exploration groups within and outside of the faculty, and collaborators from outside of Utrecht University. 

As the exploration content also is related to the Utrecht Center for Game Research external link, the AI & Media Lab external link, the focus area of Governing the Digital Society external link, and the exploration theme Dynamics of Youth external link, this allows for numerous, interdisciplinary collaborations. 

At the Faculty of Science external link, there are 6 departments to make a abecedarian connection with Biology, Chemistry, Information and Computing lores, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical lores, and drugs. 

Each of these is made up of distinct institutes that work together to concentrate on answering some of humanity’s most burning problems. More abecedarian still are the individual exploration groups – the structure blocks of our ambitious scientific systems. Find out further about us external link. 


Utrecht University external linkis a friendly and ambitious university at the heart of an ancient megacity. We love to drink new scientists to our megacity – a thriving artistic mecca that's constantly rated as one of the world’s happiest metropolises. We're famed for our innovative interdisciplinary exploration and our emphasis on inspirational exploration and excellent education. 

We're inversely well- known for our informal atmosphere and the can- do intelligence of our people. This lively and inspiring academic terrain attracts professors, experimenters and PhD campaigners from each over the globe, making both the University and the Faculty of Science a vibrant transnational and wonderfully different community. 

 fresh information 


 still, please communicate Julian Frommel external link, via dispatch external linkat j, If you have any questions that you ’d like us to 

 Do you have a question about the operation procedure? also please shoot an dispatch to external link. 



 Everyone deserves to feel at home at our university. We drink workers with a wide variety of backgrounds andperspectives.However, also simply respond via the “ Apply now ” button! 

 If you have the moxie and the experience to exceed in thisrole.Please enclose 

your letter of provocation; 

 your class vitae( including your MSc course list and a list of your publications, if applicable); 

 the contact details of at least two references 

 a portfolio of exploration, design, or development systems is salutary(e.g., as link to online portfolio) 

 Still, but you know someone differently who may be interested, please further this vacancy to them, If this specific occasion is n’t for you. 


Some connections are abecedarian – Be one of them 

The operation deadline is 11 July 2022. 


 Click then to Apply 

Leeds University Business School Scholarship 2022 in UK


Operations are presently invited from interested and eligible aspirants for Leeds University Business School Economics Department Scholarship. This competition is open to home and transnational aspirants applying to the Economics Department within the Leeds University Business School. 

The award will cover full freights at the University of Leeds standard rate of freights, and conservation entitlement at the standard UKRI rate (£ in2021/2022 session). The award will be made for one time in the first case and renewable for a farther period of over to two times, subject to satisfactory academic progress. 


Education Guarantor (s): Leeds University Business School, UK 

Education Type: Exploration Award 

Host Institution (s): Leeds University Business School, UK 

Education Worth: Cover full freights & Conservation entitlement UKRI rate (£5,600) 

Number of Awards: Several 

Study Position: PhD 

Nation: Domestic & Transnational Scholars 

DETAILS| Leeds University Business School Scholarship 

The Economics Department at the University of Leeds conducts cutting- edge exploration within five astronomically defined exploration themes the macroeconomy and macroeconomic policy; work, labour and association; financialisation and globalisation; development and good; and terrain, structure, invention and the indirect frugality. 

Across their different exploration themes, the University takes an open-inclined approach to profitable problems offering the PhD scholars a unique and distinctive exploration experience. They encourage realistic, interdisciplinary and policy applicable exploration. 


The University charge is to make an exceptional impact on business and society encyclopedically through leadership in exploration and tutoring. 

Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible for Leeds University Business School Economics Department Scholarship, aspirants are anticipated to meet the ensuing conditions.

Aspirants mustn't have formerly been awarded or be presently studying for a doctoral degree. 

Awards must be taken up by 1 October 2022. 

The awards are available for new Postgraduate Researchers undertaking full- time or part- time exploration study leading to the degree of PhD. Scholars who are formerly registered for PhD exploration study are barred from applying. 

Aspirants must live within a reasonable distance of the University of Leeds whilst in damage of this Education. 

Still, you must give substantiation that you meet the Faculty’s minimal English language conditions, If English isn't your first language. 


Operation Procedure 

How-to- Apply: First, apply for a exploration place of study by completing a study operation form. Insure your operation matches with exploration themes in the Economics Department. 

You'll be anticipated to meet our eligibility criteria for PhD campaigners, including the English language conditions if your first language isn't English. Once you have entered your pupil ID number (a 9- number number) move onto stage 2. 


Stage 2: Apply for the Leeds University Business School Economics Department education by working your way through the education operation form. You must submit your education operation by 1200 pm on Friday 11th March 2022. 

Operation Deadline: April 11, 2022 

Click then to Apply 

Scholarship: Alfred Werner Fund Masters Literacy for International Students 2022/23


Alfred Werner Fund Masters Literacy Operations are invited from eligible scholars for the Alfred Werner Scholarships for International scholars to study in Switzerland for the 2022/23 academic session. The foundation subventions literacy for scholars at one of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology or a Swiss University. 

The program targets scholars from foreign countries ranking in the top 10 of their bachelorette of wisdom (BSc) programs with the thing of supporting talented scholars to perform their MSc studies in Switzerland. Aspirants are encouraged to apply for the education before the operation expiration deadline. 

Education Guarantor (s): Swiss Chemical Society Foundation 

Education Type: Education Award 

Host Institution: Any Swiss University 

 Education position: Masters 

 Scholarship Worth: CHF 30’000 

 Number of Awards: Several  

 Nationality: International scholars 

Alfred Werner Fund Masters Literacy| ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 


To be considered for the Alfred Werner Fund Masters Literacy for International Students 2022, aspirants are to meet the following criteria.

Aspirants must be scholars from foreign countries ranking in the top 10 of their bachelorette of wisdom (BSc) programs. 

Aspirants must demonstrate strong academic and leadership capabilities. 

Aspirants must be willing to abide by the rules and regulations governing the conduct of scholars in Switzerland.

Aspirants must retain English language proficiency for those whose sanctioned language isn't English. 

Operation Procedures 

How-to- Apply: Aspirants must apply for admission to a master’s program at a Swiss University or a Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and also seek nomination from the institution granting them admission for an Alfred Werner Scholarship. 

Since the university admission and selection process may take as long as two months, aspirants are encouraged to submit their operations as soon as possible. 


Operation Deadline: March 31, 2022 

Click then to Apply 

Scholarship: Wageningen University Africa Talent Programme in Netherlands 2022/23


Wageningen University in Netherlands is presently entering operations for the Africa Talent Programme (ATP) 2022/23. 

The Africa Talent Programme (ATP) has been initiated by Wageningen University & Research to give top bents from Africa the occasion to study towards a PhD or gain a postdoc position at Wageningen University. 

With this programme, Wageningen University aims to attract talented scientists from Africa by offering a 4- time, full- time PhD position or the fiscal original position of a postdoc (2-3 times). 

Education Guarantor (s): Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands 

Education Type: Academic award 

Host Institution (s): Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands.

Scholarship Worth: Full education freights & Living Allowance 

 Number of Awards: Several 

Study Level: Postgraduate (PhD and Postdoc) 

Nation: Africans 

Wageningen University Africa Talent Programme (ATP)| DETAILS 


The Africa Talent Programme (ATP) has been initiated by Wageningen University & Research to give top bents from Africa the occasion to study towards a PhD or gain a postdoc position at Wageningen University. 

The selection commission would like to admit operations from countries across the African mainland and especially encourages womanish campaigners to apply. 


It's over to the talented scientist to give the applicable attestation that could move the selection commission that you're a suitable seeker for the African Talent Programme. 

Eligibility Criteria 

Interested aspirants seeking for the Wageningen University Africa Talent Programme (ATP), are anticipated to meet the ensuing conditions.

Aspirants must come from African countries 

Still, but will gain one in the near future this can be stated in the operation, If a seeker doesn't have a master’s degree yet. 

In case an operation for a postdoc position is made, campaigners must have a honored doctoral degree or a set date of PhD award in the near future. 

Aspirant must be fluent in spoken and written scientific English. 

Operation Procedures 

How-to- Apply: To share for Wageningen University Africa Talent Programme (ATP), you'll have to find a Wageningen professor who'll plump your operation (list of president groups and contact information can be plant then). A professor of Wageningen University may only submit one operation. 

You're only eligible for a PhD position if you meet the entry conditions of Wageningen University for a PhD. 

It's over to the talented scientist to give the applicable attestation that could move the selection commission that you're a suitable seeker for the African Talent Programme. Please use the specified format. 


Operation Deadline: June 1, 2022 

Apply now