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Showing posts with label Sch. Show all posts

Indiana University Preface to Personal Financial Planning


Understand how fiscal planning impacts your particular wealth over a continuance. This course develops your capability to work with income statements, balance wastes, budgets, and levies to achieve your fiscal pretensions. 

 Estimated 4 weeks and 4 – 6 hours per week 


About this course 

 Preface to Personal Financial Planning is made possible by the Brian and Sheila Jellison Family Foundation. 


 The Preface to Personal Financial Planning course is designed for individualities to make fiscal knowledge, one of the most burning requirements Americans face moment. Financial opinions made by individualities impact the larger community in significant ways with pervasive cost due to fiscal miscalculations. 

A recent study by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) reveals over 50 of Americans have lower than $6,7000 saved for withdrawal. In addition, over 50 of Americans have no exigency fund, unfit to manage with an unanticipated auto form without adopting finances. Fiscal knowledge is an critical need for numerous. 

In this course, you ’ll gain the introductory structure blocks of fiscal knowledge to make a secure foundation for your future. 


 This presto- paced course prepares you to 

 Make a fiscal plan through a step-by- step approach designed to meet your particular fiscal objects 

 Understand fiscal planning rudiments including income statements, balance wastes, and budgets 

Fete how planning and timing impact your particular wealth over a continuance 

 Go deeper into your understanding of levies and how duty opinions impact your wealth 

 Identify obstacles to sound fiscal opinions, including common cognitive crimes and evidence impulses 

Discover precious coffers including particular fiscal itineraries 

 Explore the compass and purpose of particular finance and its part in the broader diapason of fiscal knowledge 

 Appreciate how positive underpinning and exploration- grounded substantiation impact your fiscal pretensions 

 Make your plutocrat operation chops through course vids, named short readings, and tone- paced conditioning. You ’ll gain practical chops, understand the core generalities of fiscal planning, and achieve a broader understanding of how particular fiscal planning contributes to a successful and fulfilling life. 


Ameliorate your fiscal situation, net worth, and withdrawal plan by registering for the Personal Finance Program. 

 At a regard 


Institution IUx 

Subject Economics & Finance 

Level Introductory 


Good reading appreciation 

Introductory computation 

Amenability to learn 

Language English 

Videotape Paraphrase English 

Associated programs 

Professional Certificate in Personal Finance 

What you ’ll learn 

Through course vids, named short readings, and tone- paced conditioning, scholars gain both abstract and practical knowledge of core generalities of fiscal planning to.

Define the compass of particular fiscal planning and understand its impact 

Use the SMART fiscal planning system 

Make progress toward your fiscal pretensions and avoid common miscalculations 

Estimate the services of fiscal planning professionals 

Classify means and arrears 

Use a formula to determine net worth 

Prepare and use fiscal statements, including budgets 

Account for rates of return and occasion cost 

Determine the present value of single and multiple cash flows 

Review taxation basics including form, deductions, immunity, credits, and checkups 

Understand options to postpone or avoid levies fairly and responsibly 

Get ahead in a low interest rate terrain 

Consolidate your understanding of how plutocrat impacts your particular satisfaction 

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