PLC ULTIMA: The path towards a stable PLCU rate on Coinsbit - SCHOLARSHIP

PLC ULTIMA: The path towards a stable PLCU rate on Coinsbit


🔸 Friends, the Coinsbit exchange has long established itself as a reliable platform, where great attention is paid to security and the constant improvement of the electronic heart of the cryptocurrency exchange — the trading engine.

The daily trading volume on the exchange exceeds $2 billion!

Why it’s better to buy PLCU on Coinsbit ⬇️

✅Unlike other crypto exchanges, which almost always “trade down”, Coinsbit employs a different strategy, as the platform prioritizes the growth of the coin rate. Obviously, crypto exchanges benefit from buying coins at a low rate, so all other exchanges follow a similar strategy.

✅When buying PLCU on other exchanges at a lower rate, the community unwittingly lowers the price of the coin even more, and naturally the exchange picks up these moods, further pushing the rate. Everyone loses when this happens — the community, the company, and the only winners are the exchanges that lowered the rate.

✅You can sell even a small amount of coins on Coinsbit, which is possible due to limits — orders that are equally distributed between sellers and buyers.

✅If the entire PLC Ultima community continues to buy coins on Coinsbit, this may contribute to the strengthening and growth of the coin rate.

✅ Coinsbit commissions are slightly higher than on other exchanges. But buying coins on other platforms with a lower commission and price contributes to the decrease of the price of the coin. 

🔸In order for the PLCU coin to continue to show positive dynamics and growth, all members of the PLCU community need to unite in their actions to use the Coinsbit platform for all their operations.🔥

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