To understand PLCU pro, I just put together some of the call yesterday.

I appreciate feedback pm.

If necessary, I will edit the text again here in the group.


       A big next milestone in the development of the platinum universe

  🔷 🔹 PlatinCoinUltima Program 🔹 🔷

     🔷 🔹 🔹 PLCU pro🔹 🔹 🔷

A program token (PLCU pro) based on the PLCU blockchain. This is used to implement all programs.

 ⁃ car program

 ⁃ Real estate

 ⁃ refueling

 ⁃ Food

 ⁃ Threads

 ⁃ Everyday products

 ⁃ Luxury goods

Advantages of PLCU pro:

🔹A good tool to run programs.

🔹 Speculation on appreciation

🔹 Worth short-term increase for PLCU

🔹Long term more stability for PLCU


By freezing PLCU and PLCU pro at the same share, a certificate is obtained using a smart contract with which cars, food and much more can be purchased.

The frozen PLCU are automatically booked back into the Ultima Wallet as cashback over 12 months.


Car worth 200k €

↪️A user wants to purchase this car with PLCU Cashback.

↪️So he wants to buy a car certificate worth 200k €.

So how do you get this Car Certicate?

A smart contract is concluded with one part PLCU and one part PLCU per value of the car certificate.

The cashback comes in the form of PLCU in 12 transactions over a year. ➡️ the frozen PLCU will be returned completely during the year.

The Car Certificate is paid for with the PLCU pro. ➡️ the benefit of the PLCU pro is solely a tool to give the dealer money on projects without burdening the PLCU (more stability for the PLCU - less volatility)

Step by step:

Said User must have available Euro or an exchangeable value of 200k €.

↪️ this must be exchanged for PLCU (Coinsbit/plcumember). ➡️ he now has PLCU worth 200k euros.

↪️Half must be exchanged for PLCU per (Coinsbit/plcumember). ➡️ He now has PLCU worth 100k Euro and PLCU pro worth 100k Euro.

↪️ these coins must now be sent to the Ultima Wallet.

↪️The Car Certificate can now be booked on

↪️Finally, a QR code must be scanned. This contains the information of the smart contract. ➡️ PLCU worth 100k euros and PLCU pro worth 100k euros are now frozen. ➡️the frozen PLCU are automatically booked back to the wallet by the smart contract over the course of a year (12 transactions).

Result for the user:

🔹 He now owns a car worth 200k euros


A. If the rate stays the same over a year, the cashback is 50%.

B. If the price falls over a year, the cashback is less than 50%.

C. If the price increases over a year, the cashback is greater than 50%.

PLCU pro:

Token (not a standalone coin like plc and PLCU)

Blockchain: PLCU (litecoin base)

Transaction fees: 1% in per and there must be PLCU on the wallet (like ETH and shiba uni etc.)

Initial supply: 1,000 pcs.

Max Supply: 100,000 pcs.

Listing: Start on Coinsbit in the next few days at 10 cents and in about four weeks also on Plcumember

Wallet: no extra wallet - there will be an extra section in the Umtima wallet

Community: more than 1.3 million PLCU community

NO NETWORK CONNECTED. The coin is traded normally on an exchange. No farming like with PLCU

What can you do (not a must!)

 1. have PLCU ready on Coinsbit

 2. Educate yourself

 ⁃ what is a token

 ⁃ How does our system work

 ⁃ Base knowledge trading

 ⁃ Exchange your newly acquired knowledge with someone who also learns this knowledge.

 3. Share the information

! Important !

No Fomo - inform yourself but don't stress yourself!

The start of the token will be announced spontaneously (probably on 6/16/22). It's not about being there first.

🔥 Friends, right now you have the opportunity to be one of the first to see what kind of atmosphere reigned at the INDIAN ULTIMA CONVENTION DUBAI (Dhanish&Rajendra Team Event), which took place on June 5 🔥

 🎯It was as hot as any other event of the PLC ULTIMA community! Alex gave an inspiring speech, the participants had a chance to chat and make new friends as well as to receive their long-awaited PLC Debit Cards!

👉Watch the video and share it with your friends ⬇️



 🔥 It's a new week, which means it's time to report on the last week's results of PLC Ultima! As usual, the days were full, and we are happy to share the news with you. 


🚀 The most important thing was definitely the one that PLCU once again exceeded the value of bitcoin, with the result of $30,000. And to really appreciate this fact consider the negative trend on the crypto market! We have said before, currently among the factors of our stable growth there is a competent strategy of our partners, the cryptocurrency exchange Coinsbit. So, to keep PLCU Coin showing positive dynamics and growth, we recommend all members of the PLCU community to use Coinsbit platform for all transactions 🔥


🤝 Every month our multi-lingual community grows by about 200,000 people! And our team does everything to comfort our users. That's why we have launched in 16 languages, including Chinese, Japanese and even Vietnamese!🚀


📊PLCU is rapidly gaining popularity on the crypto market and that's why we have new listings almost every week! Thus, from June 9 the pair PLCU/USDT is available to trade on the cryptocurrency exchange Azbit, which is one of the top 50 exchanges according to CoinMarketCap.

🔥 Last week a PLCU review by popular crypto-blogger FLOZIN gathered more than 7,000 views in just half a day, and now the number of views is close to 40,000! This is another confirmation of the growing interest in our coin!

👉Also we remind you that the Max Load index change is just in 2 days, and there hasn't been such an offer in the market yet! So get your farms filled on the best terms and do it now!

🚀 Do you want to ask Alex Reinhardt, the founder of the project, questions about PLCU? Then come to webinars in German, Hindi, Spanish, English, and Russian this week. Find the current schedule in our Telegram Channels!

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