Scholarship: The European Medicines Agency( EMA) Traineeship Programme( Completely Funded) - SCHOLARSHIP

Scholarship: The European Medicines Agency( EMA) Traineeship Programme( Completely Funded)


At the European Medicines Agency( EMA), we believe that great youthful minds add important value to our work. In return, they learn new chops and get a precious work experience. 


 We run a monthly traineeship programme covering the areas of drug regulation, life lores, healthcare, chemistry, information technology, pharmaceutical law, mortal coffers, finance, dispatches, public relations and library and information wisdom. 


 Traineeship openings for the 2022/2023 programme, starting in October 2022, are announced now! Search openings that fit your interest, and make sure you apply before 19 June 2022 2359 CET. Don't miss the occasion to work for every case in Europe. 


 What do we offer? 


 A ten- month traineeship at the Agency’s demesne in Amsterdam( 1 October – 31 July) 

 A full- time traineeship( 40 hours a week) or a part- time traineeship( 80 or 50 combined with Erasmus or analogous programme or a PhD) 


 A yearly paycheck of€ for a full- time traineeship( reduced consequently for 80 or 50) and a trip donation upon joining and leaving the Agency 


 A tutor responsible for establishing individual literacy pretensions, supervising the trainee and covering their progress on a regular base 

 Guidance on career and development 

 A development programme including learning about the Agency’s charge and conditioning, attending regular shops, sharing in meetings and access to Agency-wide faculty development openings 

 What do we anticipate from you? 


 An open- inclined approach to working in a multilateral terrain 

 An interest in learning about the Agency’s working styles 


 To contribute to the Agency’s diurnal work with a fresh perspective 

 A visionary station 

 What can you anticipate from us? 


 An interest in your background and ideas 

 Support and guidance from your tutor throughout the programme 

 The possibility to contribute to the Agency’s charge 

 Helping you to grow professionally 

 Creating literacy openings for you 

 Mentorship from world- class specialists 

 Who can apply? 


 To be eligible to apply for the Agency’s traineeship programme, you mustBe an EU or EEA nationalBea recent university graduate( not longer than 12 months after scale – to be eligible for traineeship programme 2022, you must have graduated between morning of May 2021 and ending date for operations) or a university pupil on an Erasmus or a analogous programmeor a PhDstudent.Have a thorough knowledge of English( at least level C1) and a good knowledge of another sanctioned EU language( at least B2), as per the Common European Framework for Languages. 


 How to apply 


 Search our current traineeship vacuities on the View all jobs runner, elect the traineeship of intertest and sumbit an online operation through the Careers portal. 


 For guidance on how to use the EMA Careers portal, see EMA Careers stoner companion. 


 Make sure you fulfil all eligibility criteria stated in the vacancynotice.However, EMA can not progress your operation, If you do n’t meet the criteria. 


 Make sure you complete your seeker profile and operation form as completely as possible, paying particular attention to thepre-screening questions and the ‘ professional qualification ’ section of the operation form. 


 During the first stage of the assessment of your operation, EMA uses your answers topre-screening questions to assess how you match the conditions of the announced position. 


 You can produce a seeker profile at any time and use it topre-fill any future operations. You can change information in your operation until the deadline for operations. 


 You can log into the seeker gate at any time to track the progress of your operations. 


 EMA communicates with campaigners via dispatch, so please check your inbox and spam brochure regularly. 


 Tips for your operation 


 The operation form includes questions asking you to confirm you meet all the eligibilitycriteria.However, EMA won't be suitable to progress your operation, If you answer ‘ no ’ to any of these questions. 


 Substantiate your answers to thepre-screening questions by describing all your applicable qualifications and experience( if applicable), indeed if formerly mentioned in other sections of your operation form. 


 conform the description of your chops to the conditions listed in the vacancy notice. 


 Make sure your answers are terse and respect character limits. 


 Check your alphabet and spelling before submitting your operation. 


 Make sure you submit your operation before the ending date. EMA can not accept operations submitted after the ending date. 

What happens after I applied? 


 We'll assess your operation to see how well you meet the listed conditions. This will take roughly 2- 3 weeks. 


 campaigners that stylish match the profile will be invited for a short remote interview with a hiring director. They may also be asked to complete a written test. For information on how to prepare for these assessments see EMA’s guidance on how to prepare for assessments. 


 still, we will inform you again and shoot you a contract with a starting date of 1 October, If you're successful. 


 further information 


 still, read Traineeship Programme rules, If you want to more about our programme. 


 We've also collected constantly Asked Questions to help you. 


 You can always communicate us. 


 Click then to Apply 

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