NYU Free Online Course on Basics of Computing and Programming - SCHOLARSHIP

NYU Free Online Course on Basics of Computing and Programming


 This is a tone- paced course that provides an preface to Computing and Programming 

This is a tone- paced course that provides an preface to Computing and Programming. 


 Choose one of our career- concentrated courses. 

 Enquire moment & get help with your operation. 

 The course will address the following motifs, using the Python programming language 


 Positional number systems 

Hello World 

 Numerical data types and computation expressions 

 Branching statements 

 Iterative statements( Loops) 



 Lists( Array- grounded sequences) 

 What you ’ll learn 

 By the end of this course scholars should be suitable to 


 understand double number systems and conversion to other number systems 

 understand hexadecimal number systems and conversion to other number systems 


 Choose one of our career- concentrated 

 courses. Enquire moment & get help with 

your operation. 


 apply numeric and string data types to represent information 

 apply variables in program development 

 Dissect assignment and apply its factors in program development 

 apply introductory I/ O operations with different data types 

 design expressions using computation operations( including understanding their limitations, similar as integer truncation, round- out error, division by zero, narrowing and widening transformations, casting, priority, and standard calculation library functions) 

 design expressions using relational drivers( including understanding floating point equivalency) 

 design expressions using logical Drivers( including short- circuit) 

 design selection statements( including nested selection) 

 design reiteration statements( including count- controlled versus event- controlled, guard- controlled) 

 design simple data structures using lists( including using circles with lists andmulti-dimensional lists 

 Click then to Apply 

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