The University of Stavanger Academic Media Group International PhD Fellowship in Offshore Technology Italy - SCHOLARSHIP

The University of Stavanger Academic Media Group International PhD Fellowship in Offshore Technology Italy


The University of Stavanger invites operations for a PhD exploration fellowship in “ Cost reductions of installations, operations and decommissioning for coastal wind ” at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Accoutrements Science. 

The position is vacant for appointment from 1. July 2022. The appointment is for three times with exploration duties simply. 


 This is a trainee position that will give promising experimenters an occasion for professional development leading to a doctoral degree. 


 This PhD position is part of ImpactWind SouthWest design financed the Research Council of Norway and UiS. 


 The hired seeker will be admitted to the PhD program in Science and Technology. The education includes applicable courses to about six months of study, a discussion grounded on independent exploration, participation in public and transnational exploration surroundings, applicable academic communication, a trial lecture and public defence. Read further about the PhD education at UiS on our website. 


 Exploration content 


 The PhD Fellow will be combined with the ImpactWind SouthWest design. During the doctoral programme, the PhD Fellow will probe critical marine operation issues encountered during installations, operations as well as decommissioning of coastal wind granges. The end is to ameliorate the effectiveness in operations and farther reduce the cost of energy as well as optimizing working conditions for help. 


 Design offer 


 As an aspirant, you must prepare a primary design offer for a doctoral design within the subject area, which explains the problem, applicability, theoretical and methodological approach. Your primary design offer will be included in the operation assessment. 


 During the first three months of the employment period, the design offer and progress plan will be further developed in cooperation with your administrators and completed for the final plan for the PhD- design. A design offer template can be plant then. 


 Qualification conditions 


 We're looking for aspirants with a strong academic background who have completed a five- time master degree( 3 2) within Marine Technology, Offshore Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Cybernetics, Civil Engineering, rather acquired lately; or retain corresponding qualifications that could give a base for successfully completing a doctorate. 


 In addition, you're needed to have 


 solid knowledge within marine hydrodynamics and structures 

 solid knowledge within robotization and control system 


 advanced chops in fine modelling and advanced programming 

 To be eligible for admission to the doctoral programmes at the University of Stavanger both the grade for your master’s thesis and the weighted average grade of your master’s degree must collectively be original to or better than a B grade in Norway. If you finish your education( masters degree) in the spring of 2022 you're also welcome to apply. 


 Aspirants with an education from an institution with a different grade scale thanA-F, and/ or with other types of credits than sp/ ECTS, must attach a verified conversion scale that shows how the grades can be compared with the NorwegianA-F scale and a Parchment Supplement or analogous that explains the compass of the subject that are included in the education. You can use these conversion scales to calculate your points for admission. 


 Emphasis is also placed on your 


 knowledge and experience of using SESAM package, SIMA, Orcaflex or analogous software. 

 strong background in applied mathematics 

 good knowledge within machine literacy 

 good programming chops applied to numerical modeling 

 provocation and eventuality for exploration within the field 

 professional and particular chops for completing the doctoral degree within the timeframe 

 capability to work singly and in a platoon, be innovative and creative 

 capability to work structured and handle a heavy workload 


 having a good command of both oral and spoken English 

 Conditions for capability in English 


 A good proficiency in English is needed for anyone attending the PhD program. International aspirants must validate this by taking one of the following tests with the following results 


 TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet- Grounded Test( IBT). Minimal result 90 

 IELTS – International English Language Testing Service. Minimal result6.5 


 Certificate in Advanced English( CAE) og Certificate of Proficiency in English( CPE) from the University of Cambridge 

 PTE Academic – Pearson Test of English Academic. Minimal result 62 

 The following aspirants are pure from the below conditions 


 Aspirants with one time of completed university studies in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA 

 Aspirants with an International Baccalaureate( IB) parchment 

 Aspirants with a completed bachelorette’s and/ or master’s degrees tutored in English in a EU/ EEA country 

 We offer 


 a PhD education in a large, instigative and socially important organisation 

 an ambitious work community which is developing fleetly. We strive to include workers at all situations in strategic opinions and promote an informal atmosphere with a flat organisational structure. 

 payment in agreement with the State Salary Scale,l.pl17.515, law 1017, NOK 491 200 gross per time with payment development according to senility in the position. A advanced payment may be considered in special cases. From the payment, 2 is subtracted as a donation to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. 

 automatic class in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which provides favourable insurance- and withdrawal benefits 

 favourable class terms at a spa and at the SIS sports club at lot 

 employment with an Inclusive Workplace organisation which is committed to reducing sick leave, adding the proportion of workers with reduced working capacity, and adding the number of professionally active seniors 

 “ Hjem- jobb- hjem ” blinked public transport to and from work 

as an hand in Norway, you'll have access to an optimal health service, as well as good pensions, generous motherliness/ maternity leave, and a competitive payment. Nursery places are guaranteed and nicely priced 

 relocation programme 

 language courses On this runner you can see which language courses you may be entitled to( look up “ language courses ” under employment conditions) 



 University of Stavanger values independence, involvement and invention. Diversity is admired and considered a resource in our work and literacy terrain. Universal design characterises physical and digital literacy surroundings, and we strive to give reasonable adaptations for workers with disabilities. 


 You're encouraged to apply anyhow of gender, disability or artistic background. 


 The university aims to retain further women within the subjectarea.However, womanish aspirants will be given precedence, If several aspirants are considered to have equal qualifications. 


Contact information 


Further information on the position( and design description) can be attained from Professor Muk Chen Ong, tel 47 51 83 11 12, 


 Information about the appointment procedure can be attained from HR counsel Rosa Andrade, tel 47 51 83 11 91, 


 Click then to Apply 

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