OIST Research Internship Program 2022 in Japan - SCHOLARSHIP

OIST Research Internship Program 2022 in Japan


Interested in a completely funded externship in Japan? The OIST Graduate School in Japan offers education and exploration openings through their Exploration Intern program in STEM fields. Operations are presently being entered for 2022 input. 

The duration of the externship is generally from 2 to 6 months. These short- term placements give scholars the occasion to gain experience in a particular laboratory or to learn a specific fashion. Interns will work under the direction of a Professor and contribute to the exploration conditioning of OIST. 

Company/ Organisation (s): OIST, Japan 

Program Type: Research Internship 

Program Location: OIST, Japan 

Program Duration: 2 – 6 months 

Available Niche: Several 

Basic Qualifications: Graduate Students 

Nation : All Ethnicities 

The Program Benefits 


 OIST will give the following support for successful aspirants. 

 Externship Allowance 


 JPY per working day (Non-taxable and weekends barred). 

Exchanging Allowance 

 OIST Shuttle Machine Pass 

 Trip Charges 

One direct round- trip air ticket ( trip date will be closest date to the term of placement) 


 Furnished apartment on or off lot 

 Other Support 


OIST will also help in visa accession, insurance procedures, and original enrollment. 

How to Apply 

Externships may begin and end at any time during the time, with two operation ages. Interested campaigners should Apply to Research Internship for details about the operation process and deadlines. 

 Operation Deadline Varies 


 Click then to Apply 

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