International Institute of Humanitarian Law 20th Online Course on International Refugee Law - SCHOLARSHIP

International Institute of Humanitarian Law 20th Online Course on International Refugee Law


 Deadline Date: 2 – 27 May 2024 

Live sessions of the Online Course will be held from 200 pm to 400 pm, Rome time. Please, click then to check your time zone. 



The Course presents the crucial aspects of the transnational protection of deportees. The motifs covered range from the analysis of International Refugee Law and its complementarity with other bodies of law to the different relegation phases. The causes that force people to flee, the protection pitfalls encountered through the relegation cycle, and the hunt and perpetration of durable and sustainable results are also examined. Fresh exile-related issues are further analyzed through an across-cutting approach, similar to gender-grounded violence and the protection of internally displaced and stateless people. The Course is conducted in light of the developments generated by the Global Compact on Deportees. 



Promote laws, principles, and programs related to the transnational protection of deportees. 

Develop a common understanding among actors on how legislation and programs can be promoted and enforced at the public position by a variety of stakeholders. 

Raise mindfulness on the mortal rights issues faced by deportees and the need for durable results 

Enhance the chops of actors in developing and applying programs and norms in conformity with International Law. 

Encourage a positive station among actors towards the protection of deportees and other pulled people. 

Operation deadline, Literacy openings, and Official Certificate 

Campaigners are invited to register for the Course by 8 April 2024. 

A limited number of literacy is available for the Online Course and can not thus be guaranteed purely by operation. Literacy will depend upon finances available to the Institute thanks to the kind donation of our benefactors. To apply for an education, you must detail so in the devoted field in the Registration Form. 

Please note that the sanctioned Certificate of completion will be awarded only to those who attend the Course in full, including participation in live and tone-paced sessions, and completion of assignments. 


 Target followership 

The Course is developed primarily to benefit senior and mid-level government officers involved in the expression and operation of legislation and programs affecting people in need of protection. Members of the civil society and academia, who could appreciatively impact the safeguarding of deportees’ rights and advocate for the protection of pulled and stateless persons, are also accepted as actors. 


Actors need to have a veritably good knowledge of the language of the Course, to be suitable to consult background accouterments, attend assignments, and share in group workshops and conversations (no contemporaneous restatement is available). 

 Structure and Methodology 

The Online Course is structured into four content-related modules, with the idea to give an in-depth analysis of the subject of the training, including cross-cutting issues. 

Modules are composed of live sessions and tone-paced sessions. 


Live sessions are-scheduled and generally last 120 twinkles. These are delivered via Drone for Education; 

Tone-paced sessions are completed at the actors’ enjoy pace and must be accepted before the morning of each following class. These generally correspond to pre-recorded vids and/ or named reference accouterments. 

The Course strikes a balance between proposition and practice and is delivered through a participatory and creative tutoring methodology, aimed at easing the literacy process and enforcing the knowledge gained throughout the training. Sessions include lectures, donations, case studies, group work, audio-visual support, and other conditioning, which respond to the colorful literacy styles of a diversified followership. 


Throughout the training, actors and expert facilitators are suitable to partake in stylish practices and gests regarding the main motifs and issues of the Course. 

Speakers delivering the sessions correspond with United Nations Officers and other experts on exile protection from around the world. 


Executive Information 

Participation share amounts to €750. It must be remitted before the launch of the course by bank transfer. Visa and/ or Mastercard are also accepted on the website of the Institute. 

Queries on the course enrollment and executive questions should be directed 

 Click Then to Apply 

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