Scholarship: Ghent University Top-up Subventions for International Students 2024-2025 - SCHOLARSHIP

Scholarship: Ghent University Top-up Subventions for International Students 2024-2025


Ghent University Top-up Subventions Ghent University Provides Top-up Subventions to campaigners from all countries on the OESO-DAC list who wish to gain a master’s degree at Ghent University, Belgium for the 2024/25 academic session. 

The call will only be open for new scholars applying for a master or master-after-master programme tutored in English. 

Education Guarantor (s): Ghent University 

Education Type: Top-up Grant 

Host Institution (s): Ghent University, Belgium 

Scholarship Worth: See Benefits ( below) 

Number of Awards: 10 

Study Position: Postgraduate ( Masters) 

Nationality: International scholars 

Ghent University Top-up Subventions 2024| ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 

To be considered for the Ghent University Top-up Subventions, interested aspirants are to meet the ensuing conditions.

Be applying to study for a master’s or master-after-master’s degree at Ghent University. 

Must have attained a bachelor’s degree from an estimable institution of advanced literacy when applying for a master’s programme. 

Must have attained a master’s degree when applying for a master-after-master programme. 

Aspirants must come from a country on the longlist of the OESO-DAC country list. 

Selection Criteria 

The recommendations are grounded on 

Qualifications of the aspirant for the Top-up entitlement. 

There's no strict age limit, although aspirants below 40 times are preferred. 

Programmes are encouraged to matriculate womanish campaigners, as they're generally underrepresented. 

The significance of the master’s programme for the pupil’s country. 

Confirmation of the knowledge in the pupil’s country. 


Allowance of €1000 per month. 

All-in insurance ( health, civil liability, extradition) 

Operation Procedures 

How-to- Apply: There’s no open call for these subventions, they're now incorporated into the normal operation scheme to gain admission. Only academically admitted scholars will be considered. The operation for academic admission should be submitted by the operation deadline according to the outlined procedure. 


 Operation Deadline: 1st April 2024 

 Click Then to Apply 

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