Ethics in madness care summer course at KU Leuven, Belgium - SCHOLARSHIP

Ethics in madness care summer course at KU Leuven, Belgium


Course summary background and objects The number of persons with madness will rise vastly in the times to come. The added frequence of madness and the treatment and care for people with madness present a myriad of important ethical questions and liabilities. What do we suppose of the quality of life of people with madness and of their posterior end of life? 

What are the opinions about vulnerability and quality in case of madness? What do we consider to be‘ good care and a good death for persons with madness? 


The idea of the course is to foster exchanges on foundational, clinical-ethical, and organizational-ethical approaches to madness care. More specifically, the points of this course are

 (1) To assay abecedarian sundries that enthrall the central stage in the field of madness care ethics ( i.e. colorful sundries of care, the mortal person, vulnerability, and quality). A similar, expansive understanding will be handed into the philosophical and ethical foundations of madness care practices. 

( 2) To educate actors on a range of ethical motifs that figure largely in contemporary debates on madness care, videlicet, use of electronic shadowing bias, use of robotics, dealing with sexual expression, advance care planning, euthanasia, and other end-of-life issues. These motifs will be explored from philosophical-ethical and empirical-ethical perspectives. 


(3) To introduce actors into a variety of stakeholders’ perspectives on ethics in madness care cases, cousins, nurses, croakers, institutional directors, and society as a whole. 

(4) To establish exchange among public and transnational experts concerning ethics in madness care. 


 Participation figure 

 Early raspberry enrollment€ 850 

 Late enrollment 950€ 

 Eastern Europe and Low Income Countries 650€ (before May 15th 2024) and€ 750 (from May 15th 2024 onwards) 

The early raspberry figure applies until May 15th, 2024. 




 Course Accoutrements 


 Four lunches 



 Click then to Apply 

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