E4D Continuing Education Scholarship for Developing Countries to Study in Switzerland - SCHOLARSHIP

E4D Continuing Education Scholarship for Developing Countries to Study in Switzerland


 E4D Continuing Education Scholarship Programme 


The E4D Programme is freehandedly funded through the Sawiris Foundationcall_made for Social Development and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperationcall_made. The current programme phase runs from 2019 to 2024. 

The Engineering for Development (E4D) Continuing Education Scholarship Programme awards literacy for the trip and living charges to campaigners from low-income countries to attend continuing education programmes at ETH Zurich. 


 The thing of the programme is to enhance the knowledge and chops of unborn leaders with the perspective of contributing to capacity development and poverty reduction in their home countries. 

The seeker must hold a completed and recognised Master’s degree from a university and evidence of professional working experience at least 2 times. 

 A minimal English standard of TOEFL position C1 is required. However, evidence of this position also needs to be submitted, If the continuing education programme requires a minimal position in another language. 


 The education is open to campaigners from all countries classified in the OECD DAC List 2022 (PDF, 204 KB)vertical_align_bottom, except upper-middle-income countries. 

 Campaigners need to be accepted by the School for Continuing Education, ETH Zurich as well as the MAS, DAS or CAS programme office. 

 Detailed operation criteria can be downloaded then (PDF, 196 KB)vertical_align_bottom. 


 Which programmes are eligible for this education? 

All programmes of the ETH Zurich continuing education programmes ( Mamas/ CAS/ DAS) are eligible for the education. Check the webpage of the School for Continuing Education to get an overview of the different programmes. 


 Fiscal Support 

 The following charges will be covered by the education (for the successful seeker) 


 Frugality roundtrip ticket ( maximum. 2’000 CHF) 

Visa freights 

 Living allowance for the duration of the programme 

 ETH general education figure disclaimer (660 CHF per semester) 

 The following charges will NOT be covered by the education 

The programme freights of the Mamas/ CAS/ DAS aren't covered by the E4D Continuing Education Scholarship. 

The general operation figure of the School for Continuing Education of 150 CHF won't be covered. Still, in case an operation to the E4D continuing education is valid but not named, the figure can be paid back to campaigners from low-income countries. 


Only campaigners who are admitted to an ETH Mamas, DAS or CAS programme grounded on their academic and professional qualifications are considered for education. Campaigners must apply to both (I) a continuing education programme and (II) the E4D education. Aspirants are encouraged to communicate with the programme fellow of their chosen programme regarding the timeframe of the admission process, to gain the admission letter before the deadline for the education operation. 


 Click then to Apply 

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