Showing posts with label students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label students. Show all posts

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Full Scholarships for International Students, Chulalongkorn Business School, Thailand, 2024


The program aims to attract international students to enhance the global diversity of our academic community. Full scholarships covering tuition and special fees for the initial academic year will be granted to all international students accepted into the program for the 2024 intake. 

In the event that a student's GPA falls below 3.00, a partial scholarship of THB 55,000 will be provided in the second semester of the first year. Subsequently, for the remaining academic years, admitted international students for the 2024 intake will receive partial scholarships amounting to THB 55,000 (approximately USD 1,774) for the Fall Semester, THB 55,000 (approximately USD 1,774) for the Spring Semester, and THB 31,500 (approximately USD 1,016) for the Summer Semester.

Monash International Tuition Scholarships for Postgraduate Students: APPLY NOW

The Monash International Tuition literacy( MITS) are handed by Monash University to support transnational scholars bearing postgraduate studies in Australia. 


The named campaigners ’ whole education for the duration of their study in Australia is covered by the education award. 

Her education has handed enormous fiscal support, particularly to transnational scholars, and Monash University is presently placed# 40 in the list of Stylish Global Universities. 



 rather of demanding to work part- time, they're suitable to engage in adulterous conditioning, complete an externship, and concentrate on exploration systems. 

 For the future of the medical assiduity, these have bettered their technological bents. 


About the Monash International Tuition literacy 

Monash University offers Monash International Tuition literacy( MITS) to help transnational scholars pursuing Research Doctorate and Research Masters degrees. 



 A MITS pays the course education freights that the pupil would else be responsible for. 

 The Host Institution 

 Monash University 

 Public Exploration university Monash University is located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The alternate-oldest institution in the state, Sir John Monash is named after a notable World War I general. 



 The institution has several premises , including one in Malaysia and four in Victoria( Clayton, Caulfield, Peninsula, and Parkville). 

 Along with these locales, Monash also has exploration and tutoring installations in Prato, Italy, Mumbai, India, Suzhou, China, and Tangerang, Indonesia. 


 There are farther locales where Monash University courses are offered, including South Africa. 


Eligibility Criteria for the Monash International Tuition literacy 

 Enroll as a foreign pupil 

 Meet the norms for Monash’s competitive education selection procedure and English language faculty. 

 Conditions for making operation 

 Functionary academic records, a parchment, or other substantiation from the institution that awarded the degree( including an explanation of the grading schema). 

 substantiation of citizenship 

 Substantiation that you meet the conditions for English language proficiency. 

 Request to Apply. 

 Offer for a study. 

 The Education operation Deadline 

The deadline of operation for this education program is on 31st August, 2022 




 Who's Eligible for the Monash International Tuition literacy? 

 scholars from all Countries are eligible. 


 situations of Scholarship 




Which country is the Host Country? 



How Can I Apply? 



 Unless you're formerly enrolled, you must apply for graduate exploration literacy at the same time that you do so for your course. 

 The same operation procedure is used for admission and/ or education via our Applicant Portal, whether you're a new or returning pupil. 


 You're automatically considered for all graduate exploration literacy, thus, you don't need to mention which bone

 you're applying for( where eligible).