Showing posts with label Volunteer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volunteer. Show all posts

Community Volunteer Scholarship of $1,500 per year - Apply now

Volunteerism is an important aspect of a vibrant and wealthy community, according to Dealhack. We've decided to honor a college or university student who exhibits great volunteer activity in their community to promote this ideal. Our yearly award winner will get a USD 1,500 grant to use toward their education.

"What is life's essence?" "To do good and serve others."

Community Volunteer Scholarship 2022

Simply follow the instructions below to apply for this scholarship:

Who is eligible to apply?

Students must meet the following requirements to be considered for the scholarship:

For the 2024-2025 academic year, you must be enrolled full-time at a college or university in the United States or Canada.

Be in good standing with their current institution of higher learning.

Demonstrate great community volunteerism.

If they are under the age of 18, they must obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian.

How to Apply for a Community Volunteer Scholarship

To apply, follow these steps:

Simply complete the online application accessible here.

  • Include your name, email address, and the names of your present and future schools for the 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Include at least one (1) reference's name, phone number, and email address who can attest to your volunteer work.
Use your responses to describe your volunteer work in the community and what it means to you to be a volunteer. The following are some examples of questions:

  1. What are some of the ways you give back to your community?
  2. Have you been volunteering for a long time?
  3. What motivates you to volunteer?
  4. What does volunteering mean to you, and what have you learned as a result of it?
  5. What plans do you have for future volunteer work?

Are there any important dates?

Applications are presently being accepted. The application deadline is June 30, 2019, at 12 a.m. PST.
No later than 12 a.m. PST on August 1st, 2019, the contest winner will be notified by email and announced on this page.

The scholarship payment will be made in full to the winner's academic tuition services department no later than August 4th, 2019.

What criteria will be used to evaluate applications?

Employees of Dealhack will read and assess applications. The value of the applicant's volunteer action will be used to select one (1) winner. All finalists' references will be contacted to confirm their voluntary activity.

Important warnings.

The scholarship is worth USD 1,500 or the CAD equivalent as of 12:00 PST on June 30, 2019, according to Dealhack will cover the costs of wire transfers and currency conversion.
Any applicable State, Provincial, and/or Federal taxes owed as a result of receiving the award are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.

In the "recipients" area of our website, the scholarship recipient's name, school, image, and description of their volunteer effort will be posted. In addition, the winner will be allowed to tell their story and describe their volunteer activity in a Vimeo video that will be displayed on the winner's profile.


Please write an email if you have any queries or would like more information about this award.