SCHOLARSHIP: University of Warwick Full- Time Master’s Scholarship Programme
Showing posts with label University of Warwick Full- Time Master’s Scholarship Programme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label University of Warwick Full- Time Master’s Scholarship Programme. Show all posts

University of Warwick Full- Time Master’s Scholarship Programme in the UK

WMG will award over in literacy and bursaries to scholars commencing study on full-time MSc programmes tutored within the WMG department at Warwick, beginning in October 2024. 

WMG Excellence Literacy are merit-ground awards, available on a competitive basis. 


Operations will be judged on academic achievement, professional experience, reasons for study, and your vision for the future. 

WMG Excellence Literacy is awarded on a chance reduction of the education freights, with awards ranging from 10 to 50 education figure reduction. 



Aspirants must hold an offer to study on a WMG full-time MSc course starting October 2024. 

 Aspirants should have an excellent academic record and/ or strong professional profile to qualify. 

 For tentative offer-holders, education awards will also be tentative on achieving the honoree’s final prognosticated grade. 

WMG Excellence Literacy is for tone-funded scholars only. NB scholars with partial bursaries, on education-loan schemes or incompletely financed by an external organisation may also be considered. Awardees should inform the education commission if they're in damage of another education or are latterly awarded other backing. 

WMG Excellence Literacy is awarded for study in UK full-time MSc programmes only. 

WMG Excellence Literacy is paid towards education freights only and can not be paid in cash or towards accommodation or conservation costs. 

WMG will award WMG Excellence Literacy across all WMG full-time MSc programmes to optimise nation and gender diversity. 

Important information 

Please submit your education operation within four weeks of entering your offer. Operations will be reviewed by the education commission on a yearly base and the first set of results will be communicated by the middle of February 2024, and yearly later. 

 Please note that the education budget is limited – to maximise your chances of success, you should submit your MSc operation as early as possible. 

 WMG reserves the right to amend the number and value of WMG Excellence Literacy awarded 

 Apply now