SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarship in United nation
Showing posts with label Scholarship in United nation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scholarship in United nation. Show all posts

The United Nations Institute for Training Online Certificate on International Law and the United Nations System

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research’s (UNITAR) Online Certificate on International Law and the UN system offers a unique occasion for both scholars wanting to pursue a career in transnational law or transnational relations, and professionals working in transnational and indigenous associations as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions, to expand their knowledge on transnational law, multinational tactfulness and the United Nation system. 


Using internet-grounded training, UNITAR brings actors and coaches together in a unique virtual literacy terrain. All courses are based on UNITAR’s wealth of experience in designing and enforcing training shops on tactfulness and multinational affairs in the country and indigenous situations. The online methodology provides specific advantages for geographically and time-constrained individuals to gain precious information for their day-to-day operations and unborn systems. 


Event Objects 


After completing the Online Certificate, scholars will be able to

Explain the current challenges in transnational affairs and tactfulness; 

 Describe the underpinning principles of transnational law governing transnational organizations; 

 Perform in both bilateral and multinational working surroundings with increased confidence; 

 Develop logical chops and critical thinking; 


 Content and Structure 

To be awarded the Online Certificate, actors are needed to share and successfully complete 2 of the transnational law and 2 of the Multilateral Diplomacy courses offered by UNITAR’s Division for Multilateral Diplomacy from February to December 2024 and submit a Final Research Paper by 31 December 2024. 


The learning courses the scholars can choose from are 


 International Law  

International Law – Track 2 ( Q&A Webinar) 

3-week tone-paced online course plus a 2-hour webinar for Q & A with a high-position expert 

 Dates: 14th February – 6 March 2024; Webinar on 4 March 

 15 August – 4 September 2024; Webinar 2 September (TBC) 

 Law of Treaties – Track 2 ( Q&A Webinar) 

 3-week tone-paced online course plus a 2-hour webinar with a high-position expert 

 Dates: 2nd May – 22 May 2024; Webinar on 20 May 

 19 September – 9 October 2024; Webinar 7 October (TBC) 

 Law of International Organizations – Track 2 ( Q&A Webinar) 

 3-week tone-paced online course plus a 2-hour webinar with a high-position expert 

 Dates: 20 June – 10 July 2024; Webinar 7 July (TBC) 

 14 November – 4 December; Webinar 2 December (TBC); 

 Multilateral Diplomacy 


 United Nations Protocol 

 4-weeks, the instructor eased the course 

Dates: 23 May – 19 June 2024 

17 October – 13 November 2024 

Preface to the UN System 

4 weeks, the instructor eased with a 3-hour virtual guided stint 

Dates: Spring 2024 (TBC) 

Public and Cultural Diplomacy 

6-weeks, the instructor eased the course 

Dates: 05 September – 16 October 2024 

 Kindly note that some course dates might change. 


All courses last between 3 to 6 weeks. The average workload for an individual course is 5 – 8 study hours per week. 

The final demand to gain the Online Certificate on International Law and the UN system will be the submission of an exploration paper of between and words. 



The Certificate courses are tutored purely online and are either moderated by elderly transnational experts, placing an emphasis on online conversations and tone-paced literacy, or contain a Q & A session with an elderly expert. 


The courses will correspond to the following factors 

(1) Mandatory and voluntary reading material, intended to educate the introductory generalities and principles of the assignment’s subject- matter; 

(2) Multimedia and external links to fresh books, papers, documents, and websites related to the assignments; 

(3) Quizzes and case studies; 

(4) Community Discussion Boards; 

(5) Cooperative literacy tools similar to simulation exercises, webinars, and exchanges.

 Fresh Information 


Still, you don't need to register for the separate e-learning courses, If you register for the online instrument. Rather, please shoot us a dispatch before the launch of an e-learning course to confirm that you would like to take the course as part of the Parchment. 


 UNITAR is an anon-accrediting Advanced Education institution, and similar, warrants that may be awarded by UNITAR carry no delegation recognition. 


 Admission conditions 


There are no specific admission conditions. Actors who wish to enroll in one particular course without being awarded a parchment can still do so. 


 General conditions 


A good command of the English language 

Computer knowledge 

Specialized conditions 


UNITAR recommends having a stable internet connection to Pierce learning courses and joining the Q&A session via the platform of drone. 


Payment information 


We largely recommend credit card payments. 

For further information, please consult the International Law platoon at 


 Apply now 

Scholarship: United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship 2022

The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) and Renaissance Lot Network (MCN) is concertedly organizing the Millennium Fellowship 2022 for scholars of all situations worldwide. You hereby invited to complete the first round of the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2022 operation. 

The United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship is a semester-long leadership development program on your lot to take your social impact to the coming position. Access to world class training, connections, and recognition is just an operation down. 

The program will take place on named premises worldwide from August 2022 to December 2022. Operations will be reviewed on a rolling base and eligible scholars will do to the alternate and final round of the operation. 


You must be at least 18 times of age, enrolled in an undergraduate programme in a university or council and in good standing in the academic institution withing the program duration. 

You must make a commitment to convene in-person at least 8 times during the Millennium Fellowship 


All admitted Millennium Fellows are supported in engaging on their separate premises for the duration of the Fellowship 

No enrollment figure to apply to or share in the program. 

How to Apply: To join the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2022, click then to apply. The program will run August-November 2022. Apply before deadline. 

Final deadline: March 31st (with early operations explosively encouraged). 


 Click then to Apply