Completely Funded! The Rhodes Scholarships Global, University of Oxford, UK - SCHOLARSHIP

Completely Funded! The Rhodes Scholarships Global, University of Oxford, UK



 Deadline for operations 1st August 2023 


 There are two Rhodes literacy available each time for Global. 


The Global literacy allow eligible campaigners from the rest of the world( i.e. not eligible under any other Rhodes literacy Constituency) to apply for a Education, subject to nomination. 


 You can request and admit nomination through the operation form itself – you won't be suitable to submit an operation for a Global Rhodes Scholarship unless a nomination from your institution has been entered. 


 Your eligibility for the Global Education must also be verified by a member of the Rhodes House platoon. This will be done through the operation form but you'll only be suitable to submit formerly you have entered blessing. 


 As the Rhodes literacy are place- grounded, the eligibility criteria, operation conditions and selection process vary slightly depending on which constituency you're applying for. To insure that you have all of the information you need to apply, please read the Information for campaigners – specific to Global – precisely. You should also check the Conditions of Tenure to insure that your proposed course of study is covered by the Rhodes Scholarship and partake the Guidance for arbiters with your arbiters. These documents can all be penetrated below. 


 Information for campaigners – Global 

 Guidance for arbiters – Global 

 Guidance for Nominating Institutions 

 FAQs for Nominating Institutions 

 Courses covered by the Rhodes Scholarship 

 still, you can use the below button to to start the operation process, If you have read all of the information above and are ready to apply for the Rhodes Scholarship. Make sure to check the opening and ending dates above as the form wo n’t be available outside of these dates! 

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