University of Auckland Doctoral literacy, 2024- 25 – streamlined scheme - SCHOLARSHIP

University of Auckland Doctoral literacy, 2024- 25 – streamlined scheme


Deadline for operations 1 May 2024 


The University will be awarded University of Auckland Doctoral literacy to grandly- achieving doctoral campaigners applying for admission to an approved doctoral programme1 at the University of Auckland. 


 scholars can be considered for a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship only at the time of operation for a place in the programme. 


Changes to the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Scheme for All Education Donors from 1 January 2024 

The University is pleased to advertise that it'll increase the paycheck for all donors of a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship from 1 January 2024. The paycheck will increase to$,000 and from 1 January 2025 onwards, there will be to periodic consumer price indicator( CPI) adaptation to the paycheck. All other education and mandatory freights, including the single pupil Health Insurance mandatory charge for transnational campaigners, will continue to be paid. 


The revised regulations for the UOADS allow holders to take over up to 750 hours of paid work, inside or outside of the University, per 12- month period of education term. This is an increase from the current 500 hours 


The revised regulations will come into effect for all University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship holders from 1 January 2024 unless you tell us you wish to remain on the current regulations.However, you'll still admit the increased paycheck, but you won't be suitable to do further than 500 hour of paid work per 12- month period of education term, If you inform us that you don't wish to change regulations. 


Still, you must communicate with us by 15 December 2024 atscholarships@auckland, If you wish to remain on the current 


For farther information for current education holders and campaigners applying for admission in 2024, visit University of Auckland Doctoral literacy awarded previous to 2025. 


 Waipapa Taumata Rau| University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Strategy 

 To nurture, retain, and retain outstanding exploration gift( campaigners and administrators) 

 To support excellent exploration and the creation of high- quality exploration labors 

 To grow Māori and Pacific exploration education( campaigners, motifs, administrators) 

 To develop strengthen connections with Māori and Pacific communities 

 To support Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity( EDI) in exploration( campaigners, motifs and administrators) 

 To strengthen, grow, and diversify the channel of exploration and external exploration income 

 To develop and strengthen transdisciplinary exploration collaborations 

 To boost knowledge mobilisation, exploration restatement, and exploration impact 

 Equity, Diversity and Addition 

 The University’s objects include supporting equity, diversity, and addition. Education selection panels will consider these objects when making their education recommendations. 


As an aspirant to the University, you have formerly participated some information with us about your gender and race, and this information will be available to the education selection commission. 


 You may have also bared whether you're impaired, belong to the Rainbow community, or have an exile background. You have the option to partake this particular information as part of your particular profile, at https// identity. 

still, and indicate that you would like the education selection commission to be apprehensive of your particular information when they consider your operation, the education selection commission will be suitable to pierce your information If you choose to partake this particular information with the University. This information will remain nonpublic to the selection commission. It'll not be used by the commission for any purpose other than considering your operation. If you decide not to expose your information also the commission will only be apprehensive of your gender and race. 


 Faculty/ LSRI/ USC Doctoral Scholarship Strategies and DoloresOpenings 

 Each faculty/ LSRI/ URC will support aspirants for UoADS informed by the strategies they've outlined on their websites 



 Auckland Bioengineering Institute 

 Business School 

 Creative trades and diligence 

 Education and Social Work 



 Liggins Institute 

 Medical and Health lores 

 Ngā Ara Whetū – Climate, Biodiversity and Society 


 Te Aka Mātauranga Matepukupuku, the Centre for Cancer Research 

 University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship regulations 2023 

 Read the regulations then 


 How to apply 


It’s easy! When you apply for a place at the University, you'll have the occasion to confirm whether or not you also wish to be considered for a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship — you do n’t need to apply independently. 


In 2024 there are no education “ rounds ” or operation forms. This means you can apply for a place on a doctoral programme when you're ready, safe in the knowledge that you'll also be assessed for the education when your grades are verified. 


 Education offers will be made alongside offers of places in doctoral programmes. 


 For 2024, there will be four rounds 


 Swipe to see further 

Application ClosesScholarship OfferEnrolment Date: Domestic Candidate/ Domestic Qualifying ProgrammeEnrolment Date: International Candidate with International Qualifying Programme
1 November 20221 February 20231 March or 1 June 20231 March, 1 Juneor , or 1 September 2023
1 March 20231 May 20231 June or 1 September 20231 June, 1 September or 1 December 2023
1 June 2023  1 August 20231 September or 1 December 20231 September or 1 December 2023 or 1 March 2024
1 September 20231 November 20231 December 2023 or 1 March 20241 December 2023, or 1 March or 1 June 2024


 Taking up your education 

 Literacy must be taken up by one of the dates specified in the letter of award, else the Scholarsihp offer will be ropped. Registration dates are shown in the table over. 


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