The French Institutes for Advanced Study( FIAS) Fellowship Programme offers 10- month exploration fellowships in the six Institutes of Aix- Marseille, Loire Valley( Orléans- tenures), Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes and Paris. In Paris, fellowships will start on September 1st, 2023, and end on June 30th, 2024.
The programme welcomes operations from high- position transnational scholars and scientists to develop their innovative exploration design in France. The call is open to all disciplines in the social lores and the humanities( SSH) and all exploration fields. exploration systems in other lores and in trades that propose a strong commerce and dialogue with the SSH are also eligible.
The fellows ’ systems at the Paris IAS can be in any disciplines and themes in the social lores and humanities( SSH). They must have a strong interdisciplinary dimension and end at a major advance on their content or in styles. An essential selection criterion is the capacity of the proposed systems to have impact beyond their discipline/ field and conceivably beyond academia. systems that don't respond explicitly and convincingly to similar criterion need not apply.
Priority will be given to systems addressing societal challenges or offering innovative perceptivity into the functioning of humans and societies. Scientific excellence, interdisciplinarity, scientific invention and societal applicability are the confines on which systems are estimated.
The Paris IAS also welcomes systems at the interface between SSH and the cognitive and neuro- lores. In particular, the program on “ Brain, culture and society ” will pay attention to exploration in society- body- mind- brain relations having a implicit impact on major societal challenges, similar as physical and internal health and bioengineering, education and literacy, group conflicts and violence, and adaption to changing natural, artificial and civic surroundings.
The Paris IAS values collaborative intelligence and interdisciplinarity. Fellows are anticipated to contribute freehandedly to conversations and to the collaborative life of the Institute, during the mandatory daily internal forum and beyond. They will also be requested to give at least one public lecture.
In order to insure connections and collaborations between fellows and the Grater Paris exploration community, a letter from a original exploration institution is requested of all aspirants( see below).
All IAS have agreed on common norms, including the provision of a living allowance(€ per month), social security content, accommodation, a exploration and training budget, plus content of trip charges.
FIAS awards fellowships to outstanding experimenters of all career situations, from postdoctoral experimenters to elderly scientists. The minimal demand is a PhD 2 times of exploration experience at the time of the operation. Exceptions will be made for scholars with a Master 6 times of full- time exploration experience after the degree( PhD training won't be considered in the computation of experience).
Experimenters from all countries are eligible to the FIAS Fellowship Programme but they must have spent no further than 12 months in France during the three times previous to the operation deadline.
aspirants to the Paris Institute must give a letter of collaboration with member( s) of a university or exploration institution grounded in France, inked by a member of the institution. Preference will be given to systems conducted in cooperation with the mates of the IAS( Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle; Université Paris Cité; Université Paris- Nanterre; Sorbonne Université; Université Paris- Saclay; Université Gustave Eiffel; École pratique des hautes études; École des hautes études en lores sociales; École normale supérieure; Inalco- Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales; Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme)
The planned collaborations may include for case the association of conferences and series of lectures or the medication of a common exploration design( of special interest to the Paris IAS is the submission of a design with French experimenters to an transnational backing agency, similar as the ERC or the EU Horizon Europe program).
The connections with original collaborators must be made by the aspirants themselves, the Paris IAS won't give lists of connections to the aspirants.
operations are submitted online where you'll find detailed information regarding the content of the operation, eligibility criteria and selection procedure.
operation deadline: June 9, 2022 – 600 pm( Paris, France time)
The scientific selection is largely competitive, merit- grounded and conducted through an transnational independent peer review.
July – October 2022 Peer review process
November 2022 Preselection by the FIAS Selection Committee
January – February 2023 Selection by IAS Scientific Advisory Boards
March 2023 Communication of results
This program has entered backing from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 exploration and invention programme under the Marie Skłodowska- Curie entitlement agreement No 94540
For further general information on the FIAS Fellowship Programme
For more detailed information on the IAS specific terrain and scientific precedences
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