Lund University Free Online Course Writing in English at University - SCHOLARSHIP

Lund University Free Online Course Writing in English at University


About this Course Acquiring good academic exploration and jotting chops beforehand on is essential for your success both at university and in your professional life. This course aims – to give you an understanding. 

About this Course 


 Acquiring good academic exploration and jotting chops beforehand on is essential for your success both at university and in your professional life. 

This course aims – to give you an understanding of the conventions of academic jotting in English and to educate you the factors and benefits of what's called process jotting. – to help you to put together your own “ toolbox ” of academic jotting chops, as well as to give you a chance to test out these tools and to reflect on your own development as a pen. – to encourage reflection on discipline specific conventions; although the course deals with general chops, you'll be suitable to apply these general chops to meet the particular requirements of your own discipline. 


 The course consists of four modules 

1. Writing in English at university An preface 


 2. Structuring your textbook and conveying your argument 

3. Using sources in academic jotting 


 4. The pen’s toolbox Editing and proofreading In each module you'll find videotape lectures and reading assignments and assignments, similar as quizzes, reflective tone- assessment questions, as well as some peer review exercises in which you'll have an occasion to interact with other scholars taking the course. 

The course is free of charge, and learners have access to a free electronic text written to round the MOOC Writing in English at University A Guide for Second Language pens. 


 Click then to Apply 

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