King’s College London Bosco Tso & Emily Ng Scholarship 2022- 23 - SCHOLARSHIP

King’s College London Bosco Tso & Emily Ng Scholarship 2022- 23


The Bosco Tso & Emily Ng Scholarship Programme is a fund to help support all scholars who are suitable to demonstrate need of fiscal backing, to take over the one time LLM Law programme at King’s. 

The literacy are worth £22,500( Home/ EU International) and are intended to help towards the cost of your education freights for the time, as well as living costs whilst you're studying. 


 Each education will cover full education freights plus a living allowance if you're a Home pupil, or solely be a donation towards your education freights if you're codified as an transnational pupil. 

What's the Bosco Tso & Emily Ng Scholarship? 


 King’s College London is pleased to advertise the launch of the Bosco Tso and Emily Ng Scholarship Programme. The generous gift, from alumnus Mr Bosco Tso, has been established to support scholars who wish to study law at King’s. This fund is intended to give scholars the occasion to foster their legal careers in an internationally recognised centre of excellence. 

The winner will be named on the base of a particular statement as well as provable fiscal need. aspirants must have a verified place to study the one time LLM Law programme at King’s in September 2022. 


 The education is open to all aspirants and is worth £22,500. Each education will cover full education freights( plus a living allowance if you're a Home pupil). For 2022- 23 one education will be available. 

What does the education offer? 


 The education is intended to help support the winner with the cost of education freights and living charges whilst studying. For 2022- 23 one education will be available. 

Home/ EU scholars The education will be worth £22,500. This will comprise £22,050 to cover full education freights and £3,450 towards your living costs. 

 transnational scholars The education will be worth £22,500. This will contribute towards the maturity of your education freights (£30,150). You'll be liable for the remaining freights of £7,650. 

 * These education freights may be subject to fresh increases in posterior times of study, in line with King’s terms and conditions. 

Am I eligible? 


 Eligible scholars must be 

 be Bearing the full- time1 time LLM Law programme at King’s, 2022 entry; 

 be suitable to demonstrate a need for fiscal backing; 

 have handed a written particular statement; 

 be willing to give an end of time report and a letter of thanks to the patron. 

How do I apply? 


 Apply then. 

The operation form should be completed, scrutinized and posted to 

 You must submit a word/ pdf interpretation of your supporting statement. This should be posted to 

 The deadline for operations is 5 pm on Friday 29 July 2022. 

When will I know the outgrowth of my operation? 


 handed your operation form has been directly completed and the applicable talkie substantiation supplied, you'll be notified of the decision by end of August 2022. 

The award of a education to an offer- holder will be tentative upon 


 the offer- holder accepting a place on the King’s LLM programme and 

 the fulfilment by the offer- holder of all conditions, both academic and English Language, attached to his or her offer of a place at King’s by 29 July 2022. 

The successful seeker will be named by panel of elderly academic Law School representatives. 


 Where can I get farther information? 

To find out further about the Scholarship scheme, please communicate to us. 



The College has tried to give scholars an early occasion to begin their exploration of pupil backing. Although every trouble has been made to insure that information handed is both helpful to prospective campaigners and accurate at the time of its publication, it's possible that some information may be outdated or supplanted before the launch of the 2022- 23 academic time. 


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