Scholarship: Completely FUNDED SWANSEA UNIVERSITY/ EPSRC PHD Education, 2022- 23, UK - SCHOLARSHIP

Scholarship: Completely FUNDED SWANSEA UNIVERSITY/ EPSRC PHD Education, 2022- 23, UK


 Ending date 22 June 2022 


 Crucial Information 


 Backing providers Swansea University and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council( EPSRC) 


 Subject areas Accoutrementsre-manufacture/ Engineering 


 Design launch date 


 1 October 2022( Registration open frommid-September) 

 Design administrators Dr Jenny Baker and Professor Davide Deganello 


 Aligned programme of study PhD in Mechanical Engineering 


 Mode of study Full- time 


 Design description 


 This PhD will suit aspirants who are keen to make a difference in how we use advanced accoutrements in a sustainable frugality. 


 The part will balance laboratory work with developing a model of how functional coating accoutrements bear during recycling processes. The end of this exploration is to develop styles to ameliorate recyclability of electronic coatings similar as those used in batteries, detectors and other electronics. 


 Training will be given on a wide range of accoutrements characterisation ways( physical, chemical and electronic) and the applicable modelling tools. 


 This PhD position is within the TREFCO design which is a collaboration led by Swansea University and has 8 artificial mates, including battery manufacturers, recyclers, material suppliers and outfit directors. There will be occasion to travel to design mates within the UK and Europe as well as backing to present results at transnational conferences. 


 Birmingham University are aco-collaborator and this PhD will bear the successful aspirant to unite nearly with academics at Birmingham. 

The design sits within two exploration centres at Swansea University the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating and SPECIFIC which means that the successful seeker will have the advantage of working in( and learning from) a multidisciplinary platoon of academics and assiduity mates conforming of scientists, masterminds and experts in life cycle analysis. 




Campaigners must typically hold an undergraduate degree at 2.1 position( orNon-UK original as defined by Swansea University) in Engineering or analogous applicable wisdom discipline. See – Country-specific Information for European Aspirants 2019 and Country-specific Information for International Aspirants 2019. 


 English Language conditions If applicable – IELTS6.5 overall( with at least5.5 in each individual element) or Swansea recognised original. Details on the Swansea University English Language entry policy can be plant then. 


 Due to backing restrictions, this education is open to aspirants eligible to pay education freights at the UK rate only, as defined by UKCISA regulations due to EPSRC transnational monthly share. 


 NB If you're holding anon-UK degree, please see Swansea University degree comparisons to find out if you meet the eligibility. 


 Still, please telegraphpgrscholarships@swansea, If you have any questions regarding your academic or figure eligibility grounded on with the web- link to the education( s) you're interested in. 




 This education covers the full cost of UK education freights and an periodic paycheck of£. 


 Fresh exploration charges will also be available. 


 How to Apply 


 To apply, please complete your operation online with the following information 


 Course choice – please elect Mechanical Engineering/ PhD/ Full- time/ 3 Time/ OctoberIn the event you have formerly applied for the below programme preliminarily, the operation system may issue a warning notice and help operation, in this event, please where staff will be happy to help you in submitting your operation. 

 Launch time – please elect 2022 

 Backing( runner 8) – 

 ‘ Are you funding your studies yourself? ’ – please elect No 

 ‘ Name of Individual or organisation furnishing finances for study ’ – please enter ‘ RS94 – TREFCO ’ 

 * It's the responsibility of the aspirant to list the below information directly when applying, please note that operations entered without the below information listed won't be considered for the education award. 


 One operation is needed per existent Swansea University led exploration education award; operations can not be considered listing multiple Swansea University led exploration education awards. 


 As part of your online operation, you MUST upload the following documents( please don't shoot these via dispatch) 


 Equality, Diversity and Addition( EDI) Monitoring Form( online form) 


 Degree instruments and reiterations( if you're presently studying for a degree, screenshots of your grades to date are sufficient) 

 A cover letter including a ‘ Supplementary Personal Statement ’ to explain why the position particularly matches your chops and experience and how you choose to develop the design. 

Two references( academic or former employer) on headed paper or using the Swansea University reference form. Please note that we aren't suitable to accept references entered citing private dispatch accounts,e.g. Hotmail. Arbiters should cite their employment dispatch address for verification of reference. 

 Substantiation of meeting English Language demand( if applicable). 

 Copy of UK resident visa( if applicable) 

 Informal enquiries are welcome, please communicate Dr Jenny Baker( 


 * External Partner Application Data Participating – Please not that as part of the education operation selection process, operation data sharing may do with external mates outside of the University, when joint/ co- backing of a education design is applicable. 


 Click then to Apply 

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