DeepMind Scholarship, Queen Mary University, UK - SCHOLARSHIP

DeepMind Scholarship, Queen Mary University, UK


Operation deadline: 13 July 2022 

 About the award 


 Level Masters 

Course MSc in Artificial Intelligence (FT) MSc in Computer Science (FT) MSc in Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics (FT) MSc Computer Games (FT) 

Country All 

Value Each DeepMind Scholarship will cover the cost of education freights,£ ( Transnational freights –£), a living allowance of£, an periodic£ trip education and a one-off outfit entitlement of£. 

 No. of awards: 4 

 Deadline: 13 July 2022 

 Further information 


The DeepMind Scholarship at Queen Mary University of London is a programme to support and encourage underrepresented groups to pursue postgraduate education in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computer Science. The literacy are for womanish and/ or black scholars as these scholars are presently underrepresented in these areas of study. 

 Eligibility criteria 


 To be eligible to apply for a DeepMind Scholarship you must 

 1. Be a UK or International pupil. 


 2. Identify as womanish or have one of the following orders of race Black African; Black Caribbean; Black Other; Mixed – White and Black Caribbean; Mixed – White and Black African; or Other mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other). 

 3. Have a verified offer to study on one of the following programmes in September 2022 MSc in Artificial Intelligence ( Full Time), MSc Computer Science ( Full Time), MSc Computer Games ( Full Time), and MSc in Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics ( Full Time) at Queen Mary University of London. 


 Operation process 

1. First, please check your eligibility to apply. The panel won't consider any operations that don't meet eligibility criteria, and awards may be withdrawn if aspirants are latterly plant not to have met eligibility criteria or to have handed false information. 


 2. Please download, complete and submit the operation form Download the DeepMind Scholarship Application Form 2022 ( Croaker 194KB) then. 

 3. To complete your operation, you'll need to give 


 A dupe of your offer letter to study on one of the following programmes at Queen Mary MSc in Artificial Intelligence ( Full Time), MSc Computer Science (FT), MSc Computer Games, or MSc in Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics (FT) programme. 

A completed operation form, including a short statement of no further than 500 words detailing why you should be considered for the award and what motivated your interest in this area of study at Queen Mary University of London. 

 A CV 

A selection panel will shortlist operations and take a final decision on which five scholars will admit the award. Aspirants will admit announcement of the outgrowth by 15 August 2022. 

The ending date for operations is 13 July 2022 


 Visit our DeepMind Scholarship runners for further information about the programme at Queen Mary. 



Queries relating to the DeepMind Literacy can be addressed to the Institute of Rendering at Queen Mary, University of London. 

 Terms and Conditions 

 Please note that the education can not be remitted. 


 Click then to Apply 

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