The Erasmus programme JMD education for International Students 2024/25 - SCHOLARSHIP

The Erasmus programme JMD education for International Students 2024/25


The Erasmus programme distinguishes scholars who are citizens or residers of Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Programme country's scholars are 

 Scholars who are citizens of one of the 28 EU Member States Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, UK, Sweden, Bulgaria, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Croatia. 

 Scholars who are citizens of one of the following countries Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, North Macedonia and Serbia. 


 Scholars who have abided or carried out their main conditioning ( studies, work, etc.) for further than 12 months over the once five times ( counted backwards starting 

from the sanctioned deadline for education operation) in any of the below countries. 

 Scholars of Partner Countries are all other scholars. 


 Scholars fulfilling the eligibility criteria for both orders –e.g. scholars with a double nation – must elect the order of their choice. As a result, they're entitled to apply only to one of the two orders of education at a time. 

For both orders, the following eligibility criteria for an Erasmus education apply 


Scholars applying for a JMD education for a specific academic input aren't allowed to submit an education operation to further than three JMD colleges. 

Scholars who have formerly attained a JMD education, an Erasmus Mundus Master Course education, or an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate education aren't eligible to apply for a fresh education under the JMD action. 

Scholars serving from a JMD education can not profit from another EU entitlement while pursuing their studies in an Erasmus JMD. 

Named scholars will have to subscribe to a Pupil Agreement previous to the pupil’s registration in the BDMA programme. The template of the Pupil Agreement can be planted then. 

 Education Freights 


 Partner Countries scholars €9000/ time; 

 Programme Countries scholars €4500/ time. 

Please note that these freights include public registration freights and the insurance cost. 



The Erasmus programme provides EU-funded literacy to scholars who have been named by the colleges. Two orders of literacy are available. 


 The education for scholars from Programme Countries comprises 

Participation costs up to euros per time 

 The trip costs euros per time 

 Donation to subsistence costs euros per month for the entire duration of the BDMA programme (24 months outside). 

 The education for scholars from Partner Countries comprises 

 Participation costs up to euros per time 

Trip costs 2000 or euros per time depending on whether the pupil is the occupant of a country whose position is, independently, lower than or further than 4.000 km down from Brussels, the coordinating institution of the BDMA programme. 

The place of hearthstone will be vindicated on the base of the provision of documents similar to a hearthstone instrument issued in agreement with the seeker’s megacity normal enrollment rules or an instrument from the seeker’s place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question. 

Both documents must have been issued within 12 months before the BDMA functionary deadline for pupil selection. 

 Installation costs euros. 

 Donation to subsistence costs euros per month for the entire duration of the BDMA programme (24 months outside). 

 Donation to subsistence costs will neither be given to education holders for the ages of the BDMA programme ( study, exploration, externship, or thesis medication) spent in the country of hearthstone of the pupil, nor to education holders from a Partner Country for the ages of the BDMA programme spent in any Partner Country exceeding three months. 


The participation costs covering the education freights are directly taken by the institute. The remainder of the education will be allocated to named scholars as follows 

 Two monthly instalments, each one covering half of the trip costs. 

 One investiture of euros covering the installation costs for scholars from Partner Countries. 

 24 yearly instalments of euros for the subsistence costs. 

The education will be paid for by bank transfer. 


All education holders will admit an insurance meeting the minimum insurance conditions of the Erasmus programme for JMDs. 

Erasmus Master Degree Loans 


Erasmus Master Degree Loans enable implicit BDMA scholars to gain access to loans to support their studies. The loans are over to EUR for a 2- time Master similar to BDMA and can cover both living and education costs. Please notice that these loans are only available for Programme Country scholars. Further information is available on the website of the European Commission. 

 Click Then to Apply 

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