Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship for International Students 2022-23, Germany - SCHOLARSHIP

Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship for International Students 2022-23, Germany


Operation deadlines:  April 30 and October 31 every time 

Programme Description 

Aspirants come from countries in the Global South (Asia, Africa, Latin America),post-Soviet countries as well as eastern and south-eastern European (EU) countries. Scholars in any subject area are eligible to apply, if they demonstrate excellent academy or academic merit, wish to study in Germany, are committed to the values of social republic and live by them. 

Literacy are awarded to largely- performing scholars and include a comprehensive forum programme to help enhance the campaigners’ social capabilities and academic chops. Individual support by an on- point liaison speaker is another benefit of the backing. 

Each time up to 40 scholars are awarded FES auspices. They're paid a yearly quantum of 861 EUR and costs for health insurance are funded. 

Scholars with a child admit a family allowance of 276 EUR. The education doesn't have to be repaid. 

Target Group 

particularly blessed scholars from countries in the Global South (Asia, Africa, Latin America),post-Soviet countries as well as eastern and south-eastern European (EU) countries. The campaigners’ aptitudes and personalities show excellent pledge for an academic or professional career. Also, campaigners are anticipated to show commitment to the values of social republic. 

 Academic Conditions 

admission to study or registration at a state or state-recognised advanced education institution in Germany 

 sufficient knowledge of German, indeed if the courses are held in English. This means a “ Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang” of at least DSH position 2, a “ Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache” of at least position 4, a “ Zertifikat C 1” by a Goethe Institute, the “ Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz” on position II or Telc C1 Hochschule 

Number of Literacy/Scholarship: up to 40 literacy per time 

Duration: maximum backing period corresponds to BAföG regulations 

Education Value: Transnational scholars admit a yearly base quantum of 861 EUR. In addition, costs for health insurance are funded and scholars with a child admit a family allowance of 276 EUR. The education doesn't have to be repaid. 

 Operation Conditions 

outstanding academy or academic merit (where needed first graded attestations of academic achievement) 

 social and political involvement and commitment to the values of social republic 

 responsible, motivated, dependable individualities willing to get involved with the Foundation’s network 

 sufficient knowledge of German, indeed if the courses are held in English. This means a “ Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang” of at least DSH position 2, a “ Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache” of at least position 4, a “ Zertifikat C 1” by a Goethe Institute, the “ Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz” on position II or Telc C1 Hochschule 

 Application Papers 

All operation forms and farther information on the operation procedure can be plant then. 


Operation Deadline 

Operations may be submitted at any time; there are, still, specific timelines which are detailed then


 Click then to Apply 

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