Cardiff University Jameel Literacy 2022/23 operations are now open - SCHOLARSHIP

Cardiff University Jameel Literacy 2022/23 operations are now open


The information on this runner relates to the 2022/23 Jameel Literacy scheme. 

The Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK is now inviting operations for Cardiff University’s Jameel Scholarship scheme. 


Innovated in 2005, the Islam-UK Centre works towards the creation of better understanding of Islam and the life of Muslims in Britain, through high quality tutoring and exploration. 

Its conditioning address issues which are central to the situation of Muslims in contemporary Britain. The Centre provides unique training and exploration openings for those seeking onward employment in a range of academic andnon-academic careers. 


With the help of a veritably generous gift, the Jameel Literacy have been established to enable the veritably stylish scholars to come to Cardiff University – those who have the intellect and determination to apply their knowledge for the benefit of Muslim communities in the UK, and to promote better understanding of Islam in wider society. 

MA Literacy 


Four Mama literacy are available for the academic time beginning 2022/2023. These literacy are available for study on the Islam in Contemporary Britain (MA) programme and comprise of full UK education freights, a£ periodic paycheck and£ towards your exploration costs. From2022/2023, the education is now available for Part- Time scholars. For those pursuing the Part- Time programme, the paycheck and exploration allowance will be divided over two times. 

PhD Education 


One PhD education is available morning in September 2022. We're seeking exceptional UK resident aspirants with a First Class or high Upper Second-Class Honours Degree or master’s degree. 

Research proffers are invited on motifs that easily align with the exploration interests and moxie of staff at the Islam-UK Centre. Proffers must demonstrate exceptional academic merit, eventuality and applicability to Muslims in the UK. The three- time PhD education comprises full UK education freights for the Religious & Theological Studies programme, a £25,000 periodic paycheck and 25,000£ per time towards your exploration costs. 


How to apply 

Submit an online operation directly to the university, either for a Religious and Theological Studies (PhD) or Islam in Contemporary Britain (MA) before 13 June 2022. 

 Still, complete the applicable Jameel Scholarship Application Form below before 13 June 2022, If you wish to also apply for the education. 

Please note, both a direct operation to the university and a Jameel Scholarship Application will be necessary in order to qualify for the literacy. 

MA Literacy operation form 

 PhD Education operation form 



 For further information about our Jameel Scholarship scheme for2022/23 please telegraph us for advice 


 Jameel Literacy 


 Click then to Apply 

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