The Ohio State University International Research and Scholarship Grant - SCHOLARSHIP

The Ohio State University International Research and Scholarship Grant


The Services of International Affairs, Research, Student Academic Success and the Global Gateways are financing a entitlement competition for graduate scholars. 

Student conditioning are subject to university conditions regarding trip to threat- designated countries. Read Ohio State’s trip programs and conditions. 


Proffers are sought for a wide range of exploration and education systems, which include but aren't limited to 

Conducting Transnational exploration and creative expression at home and abroad 

Addressing global issues in a indigenous environment, including those in the Global South ( astronomically the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa and Oceania) 

Advancing new global-oriented knowledge in correctional and/ or interdisciplinary surrounds 

Enforcing systems and programs in the global south and in different artistic settings 

Exploring area studies, exploration and education on any geographical or artistic region 

Developing and testing global education that enhances equity, diversity and addition 

Review Criteria 


The proffers are estimated by a commission from across a variety of disciplines, so they should be accessible tonon-specialists. Awards are grounded on merit, according to the following criteria 

Enforcing the exploration or scholarly design within time and budget proposed 

Quality of design within its environment 

Felicitousness of proposed budget 

Proffers can request finances to support, among other effects 

Research design charges (e.g. acquiring data, inventories, accoutrements) 

Development thesis, calligraphies, and publications 

Costs for development and hosting of a conference, factory, speaker series (professional conference trip isn't eligible under this award) 

Offer Preparation and Submission 


Please include the title of design without the name of aspirant (s) as this is a eyeless review. 

Abstract not exceeding 300 words 

Narrative not exceeding five runners, double spaced, 12 pt. ( banning references) 

Budget – including cost sharing, departmental paycheck, or other course development coffers 

A short capsule, not to exceed one runner 

A one runner letter of recommendation from a faculty counsel 

Submit Operation Accoutrements 


Hires will range from $1000 to $5000 finances to be transferred to the philanthropist’s unit after June 30, 2022. 


The donors subscribe the policy governing the finances, which includes 

Following Ohio State’s trip programs and conditions. 

Admitting support on any publications 

Reporting on design issues within a time 


Proffers due March 15, 2022 at 1159p.m. 

Announcements to Aspirants April 18, 2022 

Commitment replies due April 25, 2022 

Sample Operation Link( for reference only) 


Questions may be addressed to 

Click Then to Apply 

We look forward to hearing from you 

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