Top 5 best Genjutsu user - SCHOLARSHIP

Top 5 best Genjutsu user


Top 5 best genjutsu user 

5. Kurenai 


 A leaf jounin who is specialized in genjutsu she's able to create,illusion which traps her target in a fake world .

4. Sasuke


 Sasuke picked a little genjutsu trick from his brother  itachi and due to his Sharingan his able to use genjutsu . Sasuke is able to put other dojutsu user under genjutsu a good example is the ketsuryugan a unique dojutsu that belongs to the chinoike clan . When Sasuke battled chino chinoike , Sasuke was put under a genjutsu but Sasuke countered it with his own genjutsu that's to show how good he is .

3. Madara


Madara is pretty good at genjutsu but he doesn't use it too much because he prefers using ninjutsu and taijutsu.

2. Shisui 


He is very good at genjutsu , he specialized on it . His mangekyou sharingan has Sa special ability  which is Shisui ultimate genjutsu , " kotoamatsukami " a genjutsu that makes the user able to control its targets doings.

1. Itachi 


Itachi uchiha is feared by many because of his genjutsu. Itachi mastered genjutsu at a young age. Itachi ultimate jutsu is the tsuksuyomi whereby he can fascinate time and use it to his advantage , his able to torture  captured target a good example is he placing Kakashi mu see his jutsu , he tortured him for just 3 secs but to Kakashi it was like 3 days . 

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