Eastern Mediterranean University Fully Funded Scholarships 2024: APPLY NOW - SCHOLARSHIP

Eastern Mediterranean University Fully Funded Scholarships 2024: APPLY NOW


The Eastern Mediterranean University Literacy 2024 is a funded education for eligible transnational scholars. 


 Eastern Mediterranean University Literacy 2024 Continue your education in Turkey. There’s good news! Eastern Mediterranean University has a education program that's presently accepting operations. 

This composition will go through the details of the education, its gratuities, and the operation process in depth. 



 transnational scholars can apply for the Eastern Mediterranean University Award 2024- 2025, which is a completely financed education. 

This entitlement is available for master’s and doctoral programs. This award offers 100 and 50 literacy for PhD programs, as well as 50 literacy for Master’s degrees. 

Eastern Mediterranean University provides a high-quality education through 108 undergraduate and academy programs, as well as 96 postgraduate and doctoral degree programs offered by 12 faculties, 5 seminaries, and the Foreign Languages and English Preparatory School. 

 campaigners can acquire a alternate foreign language, share in exchange pupil programs, and more while attending this university. 

Coverage of the literacy 

 Eastern Mediterranean University literacy cover 100 and 50 education for PhD programs, independently, and 50 education for Master’s programs. 


 Eastern Mediterranean University literacy Eligibility Criteria 

 Campaigners must meet all of the ensuing conditions to be considered for Eastern Mediterranean University literacy 

 English is a required language. 

All countries in the world are eligible. 

 To new transnational scholars and Turkish citizens( independently) who hold a minimal Bachelor’s Degree CGPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 or original, each Ph.D. program can give one 100 or two 50 education figure literacy. 

 Turkish citizens who'll register in the program for the first time with a minimal Bachelor’s Degree CGPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 or fellow can admit one 100 education and two 50 literacy from each master’s degree. 

 likewise, a considerable number of 50 education price subventions are available for incoming overseas master’s scholars. 

 English Language Requirement substantiation of English language faculty is needed for all master’s programs tutored in English and all PhD programs( in English and Turkish). 


 still, your position will be determined through an EMU examination, If you don’t have a licit English language qualification that matches EMU’s conditions. One of the following will apply grounded on this evaluation 


 You’ll take English classes in addition to graduate program classes. 

Before beginning your graduate program, you'll take rigorous English courses( with no graduate program courses). 

 You won't be needed to share in the English Language Support Program and will be suitable to begin your postgraduate studies incontinently. 

How can I apply for an education at an Eastern Mediterranean University? 

 To win an Eastern Mediterranean University Scholarship, please follow the way below 

 Fill out the operation form fully. 

 The following is a list of documents needed for operation 

 Photocopies of warrants from a university or analogous institution that have been attested( i.e. 4 times study bachelorette degree). still, English restatements are needed, If the documents are written in a language other than English. 

 All university-position ( Bachelorette/ Master’s) courses taken on an sanctioned paraphrase. If the CGPA on the paraphrase isn't lower than 4.00, a mark/ grade table will be handed. 

Three letters of recommendation( not needed for EMU graduates). 

 Give details about any entitlement/ education operations you ’ve made( add documents). 

 Scores on English and academic proficiency examinations tests must be proved. This doesn't apply to programs where the language of instruction is Turkish. Native speakers should make the distinction. 

 All others should submit papers from one of the English Proficiency Tests listed below. 

 Give information of any subventions or literacy you’ve formerly entered( that are valid for your time at EMU)( add documents). 

 a photocopy of your passport or government- issued identification card 

 Intention/ Statement of Purpose( Please submit on a separate distance Your purpose in applying to the program chosen, explaining your provocation as well as the areas of specialization which would be of interest to you within the discipline). 

 Documents specific to the program Architecture(Ph.D. and Master’s Degrees) Portfolio. 

A passport-sized snap( about 6 cm × 5 cm). 

 Proposition( for PhD program operations). 

Eastern Mediterranean University Literacy Operation Deadline 

 The deadline of operation for this education action is September 15, 2024. 

 The Scholarship Official Website 

 Please visit the following sanctioned websites to learn further about Eastern Mediterranean University literacy. 

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