Scholarship: Ending Soon Holland Literacy fornon-EEA scholars, 2022-23 - SCHOLARSHIP

Scholarship: Ending Soon Holland Literacy fornon-EEA scholars, 2022-23


Operation Deadlines:  May 1, 2022 

The Holland Scholarship is meant for transnational scholars from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their bachelorette’s or master’s in the Netherlands. Are you ready for the chance of a continuance? Apply for the Holland Scholarship! 


 About this education 

This education is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science as well as several Dutch exploration universities and universities of applied lores. 


The education amounts to €5000. You'll admit this in the first time of your studies. Please note that this isn't a full- education education. 


 Holland Scholarship (1.5 MB) 


 Entitlement award period 


 The entitlement is awarded for 1 time and can only be entered formerly. 


 How to apply 


 Operation criteria 


Your nation isnon-EEA. 

 You're applying for a full- time bachelorette’s or master’s programme at one of the sharing Dutch advanced education institutions. 

 You meet the specific conditions of the institution of your choice. You can find these on the website of the institution. 


You don't have a degree from an education institution in the Netherlands. 

 Law of conduct 

Nuffic or programmes managed by Nuffic may not be involved in conditioning involving inferior geste. It can be about interpersonal or fiscal misconduct or abuses of power. Nuffic has an Integrity Code of Conduct to combat inferior geste. In addition, conditioning involving the following situations/ geste are considered inferior 


 ruin, bankruptcy or winding-up procedures; 

 breach of scores relating to the payment of levies or social security benefactions; 

 conduct related to a felonious organisation; 

 plutocrat laundering or terrorist backing; 

 terrorist offenses or offenses linked to terrorist conditioning; 


 creating a shell company; 

 being a shell company. 

 When we apply our programmes, we admit our Law of Conduct. In our Law of Conduct we describe how we put our charge and values into practice every day. We explain the professional and ethical geste that's anticipated from all of us and those who handle individual Holland Literacy. 


 Read our Law of Conduct


 Sharing exploration universities and universities of applied lores 


 Last time the universities mentioned below shared in Holland Scholarship. In October 2021 the sharing universities for academic time 2022-2023 will be published on this website. 


 Sharing exploration universities 2021-2022 


 Below is an overview of the Dutch exploration universities sharing in the Holland Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic time. You can find the specific ending dates and the fields of study for this academic time on the website of the institution you want to apply to. 


 Leiden University 

 Utrecht University 

 University of Groningen 

 Erasmus University Rotterdam 

 Maastricht University 

 VU Amsterdam 

 Radboud University 

 Tilburg University 

 Delft University of Technology 

 Eindhoven University of Technology 

 University of Twente 

 Wageningen University 

 Protestant Theological University 

 Theological University Apeldoorn 

 Theological University 

 Sharing universities of applied lores 2021-2022 


 Below is an overview of the Dutch universities of applied lores sharing in the Holland Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic time. 

 Aeres University of Applied Lores 

 Amsterdam University of the Trades 

 ArtEZ Institute of the Trades 

 Breda University of Applied Lores 

 Codarts Rotterdam 

 Driestar educatief 

 Fontys University of Applied Lores 

 Gerrit Rietveld Academie (pdf, 400 kB) 

 The Hague University of Applied Lores 

 Hanze University of Applied Lores 

 Hotelschool The Hague 

 Royal Academy of Art, The Hague 

 Inholland University of Applied Lores 

 Rotterdam University of Applied Lores 

 HU University of Applied Lores Utrecht 

 Amsterdam University of Applied Lores 

 HAN University of Applied Lores 

 HKU University of Applied Lores 

 HZ University of Applied Lores 

 Saxion University of Applied Lores 

 NHL Stenden University of Applied Lores 

 Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Lores 

 Zuyd University of Applied Lores 



 The operation round for academic time 2022-2023 will open on 1 November 2021. The deadline for operation is moreover 1 February 2022 or 1 May 2022. Please check the website of the institution of your choice to confirm the correct deadline. 


Do you want to study in the Netherlands? Join one of our online Study in Holland expositions free of charge. For further information and enrollment, please visit our events runner. 


 Click then to Apply 

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