Showing posts with label UNESCO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNESCO. Show all posts

Scholarship: The 2024 call for operations of UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity


 The 2024 call for operations of UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity 


Eligible systems 

The IFCD invests in systems that lead to structural change through 


the preface and/ or elaboration of programs and strategies that have a direct effect on the creation, product, distribution of, and access to a diversity of artistic expressions, including artistic goods, services, and conditioning; 

the underpinning of mortal and institutional capacities of public sector and civil society associations, supposed necessary to support feasible original and indigenous artistic diligence and requests in developing countries. 

Who can apply 


Public authorities and institutions from eligible countries ( developing countries, Parties to the 2005 Convention). 

Non-governmental associations (NGOs) from eligible countries ( developing countries, Parties to the 2005 Convention) 

International-governmental associations (INGOs) registered in countries Parties to the 2005 Convention 

Backing quantum 

Maximum USD 

 Perpetration period 

 Minimal 12 months – maximum 24 months 


Languages of submission 

English or French 


Deadline 15 June 2024 ( noon, Paris time) 

Click Then to Apply